Chapter 14

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Courtney, Keith, Olivia and I were hanging out and having dinner tonight. We all carpooled to the sushi place in Courtney's car. Keith sat next to me on the left while Olivia and Courtney were on my right. We all agreed to it after Courtney told us yesterday about Olivia's breakup. We would've invited Shayne but he was out of town.

"So what's new?" I asked the group as we picked at our food.

"Not much" Keith said.

"I got Jango some more toys" Courtney said.

"Nothing" Olivia said.

Olivia didn't really look too happy. Courtney did say she told her that she was in a little bit of a funk. I decided to try and cheer her up.

"So uh you got any plans this week Olivia?" I asked.

"Umm I'm not sure" Olivia replied.

"Oh, do you want to join Keith and I at the fairgrounds this week?" I asked her.

"Maybe" Olivia said glancing at something.

"Do you-" I started saying.

"Sorry I have to take this" Olivia said grabbing her phone.

Olivia slid out of the booth and off towards the patio in the back. While she was gone the rest of us continued to eat and chat. Keith and I talked about the latest music releases and Courtney got in the conversation as well. Courtney told us about her new guitar and upcoming covers she's thinking about doing. After like fifteen minutes Olivia came back to the table. Except something was different about her. She looked noticeably happier. Like her whole demeanor changed. I wonder who was on the phone with her.

"Hey guys" Olivia said chirpy and slid into the booth again.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" Keith said.

"What's got you all chirpy?" Courtney asked.

"Huh? I don't know what you mean" Olivia said trying to hide her smile.

"Someone had a good phone call" I joked.

"Haha leave her alone Noah" Courtney said giggling.

Keith and I just laughed while Olivia picked at her food again. The rest of the night we had dessert and drinks before leaving to go home. Courtney dropped us off starting with Keith and then me. As I got out of the car I said goodbye and made my way to my room.

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