Chapter 10

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"Morning" I muttered to Damien as I walked into office.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Damien said.

"It's too early" I moaned.

Damien laughed as I headed towards the squad room. I opened the door and started to walk to my desk. I saw Shayne sitting on the couch but, what I saw next was strange. Olivia was also on the couch, but on Shayne's lap.

"Olivia? Shayne?" I said.

Olivia nearly jumped out of her skin. Shayne did the same as Olivia quickly got off him and moved over on the couch.

"He- Hey Keith" She said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Uh Olivia and I were just practicing for a scene" Shayne said.

"A scene?" I asked.

"Yeah, uh he's supposed to pick me up in a scene later" Olivia said.

"Yeah, we were just practicing" Shayne said.

"Sitting down?" I asked confused.

"I strained my leg yesterday" Shayne said.

"Yeah, I didn't want to hurt his leg more" Olivia said.

"Ok..." I said not entirely convinced.

"Ok" They both said.

I just nodded and walked to my desk. I don't know what they were doing and honestly I don't care. I'm too tired to be up this early. A man needs his beauty sleep. Noah and Courtney came into the room a little later. Noah said hello as he sat next down to me at his desk.

"Hey" He said.

"Morning" I said.

"What's the word around town?" He asked.

"Apparently we're shooting some scenes for a sketch today" I said.

"We are?" He asked.

"You didn't know?" I said.

"News to me" Noah said.

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to what I was working on. I wonder what sketch we're shooting today. Am I supposed to be picking up anybody? I hope not, I'm pretty tired.

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