Chapter 20

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"Shit" Shayne mouthed to me.

"Uh hi guys.. what's up?" I said.

"You tell us" Damien said coming around the corner with Courtney and the rest of the squad.

"You guys weren't meant to see that..." Shayne said.

"But we did, and now we need answers" Noah said.

I looked at Shayne and he looked back at me. At this point there was nothing we could say. They caught us red handed or rather mouth to mouth. I let out a defeated sigh.

"Do you want to tell them or should I tell them?" I asked.

"It's up to you" Shayne said.

"As long as one of you explains, it really doesn't matter" Keith said.

"Fine, I'll do it" I said.

"Finally" Damien said rolling his eyes.

"It all started when I broke up with Sam" I began.

"A couple weeks ago?" Courtney asked.

"Actually it was a few months ago" I confessed.

"What!?" They all said shocked.

Shayne put a hand on my back and encouraged me to continue.

"I didn't have the nerve to tell you guys" I said.

"Then why did you tell Shayne?" Keith asked confused.

"I didn't mean to" I replied.

"I was walking by the office when it happened" Shayne said.

"He saw me break down after I hung up the phone" I said.

"I tried to comfort her as best as I could" Shayne said.

I pulled him closer to me so our hips were basically touching. He moved his arm from my back so it was now wrapped around me. I squeezed his hand with my hand.

"Shayne had always been there for me but that time it felt different" I said.

"I knew something was different when my heart ached when I saw her in pain" Shayne said.

His arm held me a little tighter.

"He was there for me in my time of need and so forth" I explained.

"One thing led to another and now we're here" Shayne said.

"Now we're here" I repeated looking him in the eyes.

"And I love her" Shayne said.

"What!?" I said along with the rest of them.

"You heard me" Shayne said boring his eyes into mine.

"I don't know what to say" I said turning red as an apple.

"Oh my god girl, yes you do" Courtney said.

The rest of them laughed while I stayed staring into Shayne's eyes.

"I love you too" I said smiling.

Shayne let go of my back and pulled me in for a kiss. Everyone started cheering and embarrassing us. The kiss got a little too passionate and they started to make fun of us.

"Ewww" Courtney said.

"Get a room you too" Damien said.

"Y'all nasty" Keith said.

"My virgin eyes" Noah said.

Shayne and I separated smiling and laughing. Both of us were now completely blushing.

"Can you leave us alone now?" Shayne asked laughing.

"Fine, you kids have fun" Damien joked.

Shayne pulled me in for a hug as they walked away. Just before they all left, Courtney peeked her head around the door.

"Please don't do it on the couch, that's where I eat my lunch" Courtney teased.

"Oh my god Courtney!" I said.

Courtney finally left after making sure to jokingly narrow her eyes at us.  Shayne held both my hands as we gazed at one another.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"The couch?" Shayne said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh my god!" I said hitting his arm

--------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for reading this story! ❤️❤️ I had so much for writing it. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed it. If you enjoyed this fic then be sure to check out 'Irresitble' and my new Shaylivia fic "Vegas!"

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