Chapter 19

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For some reason me and the rest of the squad were sitting in chairs in a circle. Keith and Noah had approached me and said there was some important meeting that I had to show up to. Shortly after Olivia and Courtney came in the room and sat in the circle next to us. What was going on?

"What's up?" I asked the group.

"Shayne.... Olivia..... We need to talk" Courtney said slowly.

"Uh sure, what's on your mind?" Olivia asked.

"We've been noticing-" Keith began.

"What's going on with you too?" Courtney blurted out.

"I don't know what you mean" I said shifting uncomfortably.

"Oh come on dude, you've been acting strange for weeks" Noah said.

"And Olivia you too" Courtney said.

"What are you talking about?" Olivia said glancing at me.

"Uggggh this is going no where" Keith groaned.

"Fine" I said.

Olivia shot me a glare. I gave her a reassuring glance back.

"Finally" Courtney said sighing.

"My girlfriend and I broke up" I lied.

"Aww I had no idea" Courtney said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Noah asked.

"Yeah we would've been there for you" Keith added.

"I was going to but I just felt like it was a private thing" I said.

Olivia gave me a confused but thankful look.

"I'm sorry Shayne" Courtney said.

"It's cool, I'm over it now" I said.

"That's good" Olivia said trying to escape.

"Wait a minute miss Sui" Noah said.

"Yeah, what's going on with you?" Keith asked.

"I uh" She stuttered.

I could tell she was trying to think of a believable lie. Usually I would have tried to help her but in this situation I couldn't.

"I guess I just got too wrapped up in the hate comments" Olivia lied.

"Aww" Courtney said.

"You know better than to read the comments Liv" Keith said.

"Yeah, I don't care what those people say, you're amazing" Noah said.

"Yeah, you're awesome" Courtney said.

"Haha thanks guys" Olivia said nervously chuckling.

I pulled out my phone after it buzzed. I looked down and saw that Damien sent a text message asking for Courtney, Keith and Noah. Normally I would've asked why but at this moment I was thankful he got me our of this.

"Uh guys Damien said he needs you guys in the Smosh games room" I said.

"Hmm" Noah said.

"Weird" Keith said.

"This isn't over" Courtney said as they got up.

They left the room for the Smosh games room leaving just me and Olivia alone. After they left, Olivia dimmed the lights so no one would see us.

"That was exhilarating" She said.

"More like excruciating" I said chuckling.

Olivia sauntered over to me and stood next to me. Her chocolate eyes bore into my own. I couldn't resist and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Olivia smiled and looked at me again.

"I don't know how we got away with it this time" Olivia said with a sigh of relief.

"You didn't" Courtney said as the lights came back on.

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