Chapter 16

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I was walking back from set to the squad room when something bumped my shoulder.

"Sorry" Someone said as they bumped into me.

"Don't worry about it" I said turning.

I looked and saw Shayne standing there.

"Oh, hey Shayne" I said.

"Hey" He said.

We walked towards the squad room together. Talking about this and that, nothing in particular. When we got to the squad room, everyone else was there except for Olivia. Noah said she texted him saying she would be late. The guys and I just hung out while waiting for her to arrive.

"Did you hear about Sam and Olivia?" Keith asked Shayne.

"Uhh what?" Shayne said shifting his eyes.

"The guy she was seeing" Keith said.

"What about him?" Shayne said quickly.

"They broke up" Noah chimed in.

"Oh uhh I guess that probably sucks" Shayne said shifting in his chair.

"You guess?" I said confused.

"Yeah, I thought you and Sam were friends" Noah added.

"We are, I uh just meant it sucks to be broken up with" Shayne said.

"Um ok" I said.

"You talk to Sam?" Noah asked.

"Why would I? I mean it's not really my business" Shayne snapped.

"Ok...." Noah said.

"Besides Olivia is probably better off without him" Shayne began.

"She deserves-" He said before getting cut off.

"Shayne" I said.

"What?" He said confused.

I just looked at him and then at the figure behind him. The realization appeared in his eyes.

"Shes standing right behind me isn't she?" He said freezing.

"Yes I am" Olivia said.

"Hey, you ready to shoot the video?" Shayne said with a cheeky smile.

"Uh can I talk to you?" Olivia asked him.

"Sure" Shayne said still sitting.

Olivia leaned down and whispered something in his ear. Shayne got up and followed her out the room. Oh boy he was in for it now. I wouldn't be surprised if she roasts him again or puts him in his place. They were gone for a while before I decided to get some water while we waited for them to come back. As I passed the bathroom to get to the water fountain, I heard a noise. I decided to be nosy and listened in with my ear close to the wall. All I could make out was what sounded like heavy breaths. What the hell is someone doing that could make them out of breath in the bathroom? I didn't even want to know, so I just got my water and went back to the squad room. I didn't have time to be frickin Nancy Drew. Shayn and Olivia came back a couple minutes after me.

"You ready to shoot the video?" Josh said poking his head in through the door.

"Yeah we'll be right there" I said.

Josh nodded and then walked off towards the direction of the set. We all got up and made our way to set. We all sat down at the table for the video. Olivia sat next to me with Shayne on the end and Noah was on my left at the other end. Shayne leaned over and whispered something to Olivia. I didn't mean to be nosy but I heard it anyways.

"Next time we should probably wait until we get home" He said before moving back.

Olivia just flashed a quick thousand watt smile before returning to her normal demeanor. I wonder what that was about. Those two seem to be whispering a lot. Maybe it has something to do with Sam? I don't know, if it was something they would tell us right? Josh loudly said action letting us to know that we started filling.

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