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"That's so deep, isn't it?" The host says as she smiles at me, "Most of us, who went through a break up can relate to this, can't we? It sure does hurt when someone stops loving you," She closes her book and continues, "Now we'll be asking a few questions from the author."

"The first one is the most asked one," She laughs as she hands me the mic, "Who is the boy, the one who broke your heart?"

"It wouldn't be fair to give out the name," I smile sheepishly as I recall my memory to speak the right words, "The boy is someone who was once special to me and I was to him. The name isn't important though, it can be any boy in the world, who broke your heart, broke his promises."

"Fair enough, we understand the need to keep the name hidden, after all, the story is more important ," She continues and moves onto the next question, "If you ever meet the boy again, what would you ask him?"

I pause for a while and think, before I begin, "I would ask him why he left me and if he ever regretted his decision. I'll ask him if he still believes in love."

"We all hope you get your answers one day, Ms.Hwang, the final question is that, do you think he read your book and if he did, then how would you feel?"

My heart hammers loudly in my chest as I realise that this is a new question and I don't have the answer memorised for it.

Cautiously, I hold the mic close to my lips and say, "I want to believe that he didn't read my book but at the same I want him to read it so that he knows how hurt I was because of him. He deserves to know that and I think, I deserve that closure."

"Thank you for opening up to us and sharing your story with the world by writing such a beautiful story," The host thanks me and continues, "The last segment for today is that we'll choose a special person from the audience who will be able to get his or her book signed by Hwang Yeji herself, along with a selfie to remember this memorable moment."

"Do you want to choose or can I?" She asks me and I shake my head and smile, "I'll be happy with whoever you choose."

"Hmm, let's see," Her eyes scan the crowd before she smiles to herself, "The boy in all black, would you like to come up on the stage?"

It's the same boy, the boy who I saw earlier. He pauses for a while before he fixes his mask and walks towards the stage.

"What's your name?" I ask him with a smile as he hands me his book.

I sign my name and wait for his answer but he doesn't reply.

"It's okay if you don't want to disclose your name," I tell him quietly as I write a short message for him.

I hope you get the courage to yell out your name loudly, wherever you go.
-Love, Hwang Yeji.

"Can you take off your mask while you take a picture with the author?" The host asks softly, "We don't have much time."

"It's okay," I intervene as I hold my book above our faces, so that they cover the distance from our chin to our noses, "I'll take it like this."

The boy bows at me after I return him his phone and he quickly leaves the stage.

The host thanks me and the audience for the final time as they all stand up and applaud me but my gaze follows the masked boy who is fully immersed in his phone.

He seems familiar and at the same time, he doesn't.

Why is he looking at the picture so intensely, why is he making me curious about him?

Double update!!

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