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"Yeji?" Hendery says quietly, "Ten?"

Ten jumps back from me as if he's electrocuted and I do the same.

"It's not what it seems like." I tell him, knowing well that this sentence is overused and wrong.

He looks between Ten and me and then his eyes trail upto my face, observing me.

I hastily wipe my tears and smile timidly, "Hendery-"

"I'm not that type," He looks at me and says quietly, "I like to give people time to explain themselves but this just feels wrong."

"Yeji, I feel used, hurt."

"I didn't mean to." Taking a step towards him, I try holding his hand but he takes a step back, avoiding physical contact with me.

"But you still did. I texted you, called you, waited outside your house for hour, for days, for weeks but you didn't even explain to me what was wrong. I kept on waiting and waiting but still, nothing."

Tears stream down my face again, dropping down my chin, "I'm sorry, I wanted to but it was hard for me, on me. I'm sorry, Hendery."

The tension and sadness in the atmosphere is something which cannot be missed.

Ten stands there silently while I'm crying and Hendery is just looking between us, disappointedly. 

"You could've told me, both of you," He whispers as he walks towards Ten and punches him softly, "Bro, I would have done anything for you. If only you had said that you loved Yeji, I would've backed off. I didn't want to come between you too."

It feels as if my whole world crumbles down when Hendery says those words. The sand castle which I built, tumbled down in front of me and there is nothing I can do to protect it.

It's too late now, it's way too late.

"Hendery," Ten says his first words to the boy as he places his hand on Hendery's shoulder, "I love her, I won't lie about that but Yeji, she doesn't love me anymore. She loves you now. What we had was in the past, it's gone now.."

"You're wrong," Hendery shakes his head and smiles sadly, "She still looks for you everywhere she goes. Every song you listened to, every place you visited, every memory you made, she still cherishes them. I can see it."

I desperately want to tell Hendery that he is wrong, that I don't think about Ten anymore but that would be a lie and I can't lie, not anymore, not right now.

The two boys, the two boys which I cherish so much are in pain right now and it's all because of me. It's all because I couldn't tell the truth at the right time and now the window of opportunity has passed. Now the damage has been done and it can't be helped.

"The book," Hendery sighs after a few seconds, "Your book, love, it's about Ten, isn't it?"

His eyes desperately search mine for an answer. This is my last chance to lie but I don't, I still don't.

"It is," I tell him quietly, "I'm sorry, I would've told you over some time but things got messy."

"God," Hendery grips his hair and sits down, "How can I be so stupid? Everything in that book points to Ten and how you're still not over him."

"It doesn't," I tell him firmly, "The book is about Ten, who breaks my heart, leaves me homeless. Why are you associating my pain with love? Who are you to say that, huh?"

Tears fall down my chin as my hands tremble by my side. I can't keep control of my emotions anymore. The tears that I try to hold back, they spill like an overflowing dam and I don't bother stopping them.

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