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"Yeji," Hani enters my room and shifts from one feet to another as she looks at me, "I'm so sorry but I invited Lia over and she said that Ten wanted to come too and I couldn't tell her no because she's such a sweetheart and she doesn't know about you and Ten so I told her yes and I'm so so sorry-"

"Slow down," I laugh softly as I close my laptop and look at her, "Lia is coming over with Ten?"

"Yeah and umm, Sehun is coming too," She rubs her neck and smiles sheepishly, "You'll be okay?"

I give her a thumbs up and smile, "Don't worry about me, how did you manage to get Sehun to come here?"

She flips her hair and laughs, "No one can resist me."

Throwing a pillow at her, I shake my head and chuckle, "This means I'll have to change out of my pyjamas."

"Gotta look hot to make Ten jealous, right?" Hani winks as she leaves the room to change, leaving me to do the same.

To be honest, I didn't want to make Ten jealous. Heck, I didn't even want him to see me but here we were, living in such a small world that I'm a friend of my ex-boyfriend's girlfriend.

I sigh and get out of my bed and walk towards my wardrobe, "What do I wear? Why is this so hard?"

Groaning to myself, I settle with a grey hoodie and pair it up with black trousers.

There was still time for Lia and company to join so I decide to read my book before they arrived.

His brown eyes still haunt me. Sometimes, I feel like I'll still see them in the crowd and that's when I feel afraid. Am I ready to face him? Am I ready to hear his voice again? Maybe I am, maybe I am not but only time can tell.

It may be pathetic but I still have the gifts he gave me. The necklace, perfumes, dresses, watches, all the gifts he gave me, I still keep them with me. Sometimes, I feel like throwing them away but then, those inanimate objects didn't do anything wrong.

Like his grey hoodie, it had a special place in my heart. After we broke up, I wore it to sleep for months, as I cried myself to sleep. Now, it lies somewhere in my closet, forgotten and buried deep in my memories.

A knock startles me from my reading session and I close the book, placing a bookmark on the page where I stopped reading.

"I'm coming," I yell as I stand up and fix my hoodie.

Sehun is the first to arrive and it doesn't take him long to attack Hani with hugs and kisses, making me feel like the awkward third wheel.

"Erm, should I just go?" I speak into the air and stare at the floor.

"Sorry," Sehun rubs his neck as his face turns red, "I-uh, yeah."

"It's okay," I laugh as I wave my hands and smile, "I'll forgive you both cause you're cute together."

Hani opens her mouth to say something but she gets cut off by the doorbell.

"I'll see that," I tell them as I walk towards the door and peek through the eyepiece.

Opening the door, I paste a smile on my face as Ten stands there next to Lia.

"Come on in," Pushing the door open, I hug Lia and nod my head at Ten, "You look gorgeous, Lia!"

Lia smiles brightly as she looks down at her floral dress which fits her perfectly, "Thank you, Ten picked it out for me but you look pretty too. I can't believe you look this good in a hoodie."

Ten's eyes lingers on me and I challenge his gaze back, "Aww, that's so sweet of you."

"Will you guys keep standing here or will you come inside?" Hani yells from inside as I shake my head and laugh.

"Let's go, she's an impatient one."

"Staring is rude, you know," I whisper to Ten as I paste a fake smile on my face, "You're making me uncomfortable."

"I- sorry," He says quietly as we listen to Hani and Lia talking about the new designer brand called CL's Fashion, "I didn't mean to make you feel that way."

"Glad to see that you can apologise for something," I tell him sarcastically.

"Why are you so petty?" He snaps as I roll my eyes and scoff.

Sehun had already left, his manager called him back because he had a busy schedule as his boygroup, EXO, were just about to drop a new album.

Lia and Hani were busy talking about designer dresses and shoes, which I had no interest in. I enjoyed their company and seeing them bonding made me happy.

Truthfully, I wasn't much of a talker. I liked to sit back and observe. Sometimes, I felt left out but other times, it was good not to be involved in petty dramas and arguments. It felt peaceful to be left in my own world.

"Now you're ignoring me," Ten says after a while as he stares at my hoodie, "Where did you- uh, never mind."

"I don't want to talk to- what is it that you want from me?" I sigh as I grab my phone and stand up, "I'll be in the balcony, having some fresh air," I tell the girls quietly.

Hani looks at me worriedly but I comfort her with a smile as Ten gets up too and clears his throat.

"Me too," He smiles at Lia, "You ladies continue, I'll be back in a few minutes."

The balcony was big but it was perfect for me. I loved standing on the edge of the railing, as I looked down.

The night view always calmed me and the fresh breeze refreshed me whenever I was upset.

I look up at the stars and smile. They were still twinkling, up in the sky, reminding me that there was someone watching over me, that I wasn't alone and it did bring me comfort.

I feel Ten's gaze on me and this time, I don't feel unsettled. Maybe because we were alone, under the moonlight with all our secrets out in the open.

"I don't understand why you come here," I whisper as I grab the cold, metal railing and sigh, "I'm sure you normally don't accompany your girlfriend wherever she goes."

"I don't," He says after a while, "I could've stayed at home."

He takes a step forward and stands next to me, his shoulder touching mine as he says, "A question lingers in my mind. It asks me what would happen if I see him someday, well only time can tell. I miss him and at the same time, I don't."

Ten tilts his face until he's facing me, his eyes shimmer under the pale moonlight as he continues, "I missed you, Hwang Yeji and I know you did too."

A gasp escapes my mouth when I realise two things, the first that he just quoted my book. The second that he missed me.

The question that always wandered in my mind, always remained unanswered until now- when Ten was standing next to me, telling me he missed me and all I could do was stare back at him.

A million thoughts run in my head but my
voice doesn't come out.

I practised my lines, I prepared myself for the worst and learned what I had to say if I ever met Ten again but words, which always came out of my mouth naturally, failed me today.

My heart, it betrays me, it flutters when Ten says that he misses me.

What do you think Ten wants?

Your reviews are always welcomed <3

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