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Sighing, I pace around my room as I think for ways to ask Ten to talk to me without sounding weird.

"Can we talk?" I speak out loud and shake my head, "No, that sounds wrong. He will think it's personal, which it is not."

I grip my hair in my hands and sit on the floor, "Why is this so complicated?"

Taking a moment, I pause for a while and think about what I should do.

Hani is upset with me for wanting to tell Lia the truth about my and Ten's history. I can't risk my friendship with her but it's not like I can lie to Lia.

I'm not going to tell her the truth right now but I will. I'm just hoping that before I talk to Lia, I can talk to Ten and convince him to focus on Lia, not me.

"You can do it, Yeji," I raise my fist and whisper, "You can do it!"

Finally, I grab my phone again and my finger hovers over Ten's name.

The bell rings as I call him and my heart beats rapidly, "It's just Ten, I can talk to him easily, right?"

"Yeji?" His voice interrupts me from my rant and I gasp as I pace around the room, "Is everything okay? You never call me.."

"I-uh," I clear my throat and continue, "We need to talk, Ten. It's not about me and you, well, it kind of is but you know what I mean."

There's a pause on the other side and I look at the screen to see if he has disconnected the call but at that moment, he speaks again, "No, I don't know. You told me there was no you and me."

"Ten," I murmur in a pained voice, "Please, I need to tell you something."

"Fine," He sighs as I fist bump the air and smile, "Tomorrow then?"

"No!" I yell at him before I lower my voice and wince, "I mean, the quicker it is the better. Can you meet me today?"

"I'll see you at the Café Twilight."

He cuts the call and I frown as I stare at the screen.

Why is he being rude? He is the one who told me that I looked pretty and that he missed me and now he's being vague?

I can't understand Ten and his mood swings.

"Where is he?" I tap my sneakers against the floor as I look at the time again, "Is he bailing out on me?"

Right as the words leave me mouth, the bell rings and I raise my head to see Ten.

"Here," I wave my hand at him as my eyes take in what he's wearing.

How can he look handsome in simple denim?

I shake my thoughts away as Ten sits in front of me and observes me.

"What is it?" He says impatiently, "Why did you call me here?"

"I wanted to talk-"

"You've said that a hundred times, Yeji!" He raises his voice and I shrink in my seat, "What do you actually want to say, huh?"

My eyes roam around his face and I realise that he looks distressed. His eye bags are dark, visible under the light and his whole face looks tired.

"I-uh," I gulp as I fiddle with my hands, "It's about you and Lia."

"What about us?" He sighs as he leans back on the seat.

"Did you tell her about us? I mean, she deserves to know, doesn't she?"

"Me and Lia," Ten looks in my eyes and I see that he's upset, "Whatever we do, it doesn't concern you. Don't meddle in our lives."

I blink away my tears as guilt rises in my throat, "I feel bad for her. I keep on coming in between you two and I can't sleep at night knowing that. It's hard for me, Ten."

He stares at me for a long while before he says, "Mind your own business, Yeji. When I break up with Lia, it won't be your fault. The world doesn't revolve around you."

"Ten-what?" I ask weakly as he stands up abruptly, "What did I do wrong?"

"Don't act like you're innocent," He says harshly before he leaves me alone.

A tear escapes my eye and I wipe it away hastily.

No one is worth my tears anymore.

It's like everyone is slowly getting upset at me and leaving me alone.

First Hani and now Ten.

I don't know what I did wrong and I can't fix it unless I know it.

Soo, what do you think is Ten's problem?

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