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The next few days are tense and stressful for me as Hani keeps on ignoring me.

I want to reach out to her, I miss talking to her, eating with her, laughing with her but it's not like I am wrong.

Lying is never the right option but to maintain my friendship my Hani, I am willing to keep the truth away from Lia for a few more days.

I desperately want to make up with Hani, I want to talk to her about Hendery and why he hasn't texted me since a week, when he did so everyday.

It's confusing, boys are so confusing.

Making my way to the kitchen, I see that Hani is making grilled sandwiches and there's two of them.

Is she famished or is one for me?

My stomach grumbles and I smile sheepishly as Hani raises her head and looks at me.

I sit on the chair, next to the counter and after a few minutes, she passes me the sandwhich, right off the grill and steam blows of it.

"Thank you," I whisper as she turns around and places the messy utensils in the sink.

"I'm still upset at you," Hani turns around and looks at me, her eyes tired, her face pale, "I said some words which hurt you and you did the same. I'm sorry for what I said but I won't forgive you unless.."

"I miss you," I tell her as I wrap my arms around her waist while she faces the other side, "To see you happy, I can do anything."

"Anything?" She turns around and smiles at me, "Promise?"

"Promise," I link my pinky with hers as she engulfs me in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, babe," She sniffles as she plays with my hair, "You don't deserve me as your friend."

"Stop it," I sigh as I take a step back and look into her eyes, "We're not just friends, we are sisters. We don't have the same blood but it doesn't matter. Our bond is stronger than that."

"God, stop making me cry," She wipes her tears with her sleeves and laughs, "About the promise, I want you to go on a date again."

"What?" The smiles drops from my face as I stare at her, "What about Hendery?"

"Babe," She grabs my hand and sighs, "Hendery doesn't have time to date. You're clinging onto false hope."

But I like him, I want to tell her that but I don't because deep down, I know she is right. Hendery is an idol, he doesn't have time to date.

Tears emerge in my eyes as I think about the moments I spent with him. They were little moments but I will cherish them for a long while.

"Okay," I breathe out the dreaded words after a minute, "But I can't promise that I'll be happy."

"You'll change your mind after the date," Hani says as she smiles widely, "And I get to dress you up today."

I hate this, I think to myself as I trudge towards my washroom to take a shower.


"You look gorgeous," Hani whispers as she looks in the mirror, "I think I'm about to cry again."

I smile softly as I look in mirror, trying my best not to think about Hendery and all the dates we have been on, all the smiles we shared, all the memories we created, I try my best to put them behind me but I can't.

Why isn't he contacting me? Why is he ignoring my calls and messages?

"Don't cry," I laugh weakly as I observe my black dress that hugs my figure perfectly.

"Babe," Hani calls out to me and I face her, "Don't worry, okay? I'll be with you."

I nod my head at her and smile timidly, "I know."

"You go inside first," Hani tells me as she points at the door, "I'll be there in a minute or two."

I fiddle with the sleeves of my dress and walk towards the black door. Pushing it open, I take a step inside and gasp.

"Oh my god," I whisper in awe as I notice the trail of paper hearts pasted on the floor.

I follow them as my heart beats rapidly inside my chest.

The trail ends abruptly and I look around the room to find a clue but there's nothing.

"Are you looking for this heart?" I hear a familiar voice and I turn around to see Hendery holding a paper heart above his chest.

"This heart, Hwang Yeji, it jumps at the sight of you. Sometimes, I hate it because I can't breathe when I'm with you, I hate it because it never lets me forget you. This heart," He hands me the paper heart and smiles, "It is only filled with you. Your name is the only name which is written in here."

Holding the red paper in my hands, I take a deep breath, "I-I don't know what to say, Hendery."

"Just say one thing, that's all I need from you," He takes a step towards me, making my own heart flutter, "Take my heart, Hwang Yeji, because it belongs to you only."

Hendery places his forehead against mine, "Say the words," He speaks quietly, "Tell me you feel the same way because I, I like you a more than I imagined I would. It's been a month since our blind date and since then, you control my thoughts. I feel happy when I'm next to you, my mind is at ease and my heart tells me that you're the one for me."

"Yeji," He says at last as he takes a step back and holds my hand, "Be my girlfriend."

I nod my head eagerly and he chuckles quietly, "I accept your heart and I promise to treat it gently and never let it break."

Hendery doesn't waste a second as he places a hand on my neck and pulls me close. I close my eyes as I feel his warm lips on mine and that's when I know that this is right where I belong.

It doesn't feel rushed, it's soft and slow. It's everything you would want from a first kiss from your boyfriend.

A loud bang makes me jump in my bones and I separate from Hendery as confetti erupts inside the room.

I recognise a few boys as Hendery's group mates, at least the ones which he had introduced me to. 

It's a happy moment as they smile at me and I do the same.

"Thank you," I whisper to Hani, who stands next to Sehun, his hand wrapped protectively around her waist.

She shakes her head and smiles at me, "You deserve all this, babe."

My eyes trail besides them to Lia who stands next to Ten and looks at me with a bitter sweet expression.

My heart crumbles a little when I see the distance between the two but a smile grows on my lips when Hendery grabs my hand and interlinks our fingers together,

"My girlfriend," He says quietly as if it's a secret, "You're my girlfriend."

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