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"I can't believe you're so famous," I chuckle as we walk next to each other, enjoying the cool breeze and the cold night, "And that you sing, rap and dance!"

"I can't believe you haven't listened to any of my songs!" He exclaims as he smiles at me, "You're not into music, are you?"

"Not really."

"That's bad," KunHang says as his eyes shine brightly, "I'll make a usb for you, all the songs that you have to listen! You're missing out on the world, our world."

"I-thank you," I smile at him and continue, "What was the name of your group again?"

"It's NC- watch out!" He grabs my waist and pulls me behind him, shielding me from the water that splashes as a car skids along the wet road.

"I-thank you," I whisper, as I feel his hot breath on my face.

"No- no worries," KunHang says as he let's go of my waist and takes a step back.

Calm down, heart, I think to myself as I fiddle with my hands.

"Do you feel cold?" I ask him as we start walking again, "It's my fault-"

"I'm okay, Yeji," He turns his head towards me and gives me a smile, "Really."

Nodding my head at him, I try to match his pace.

His hand brushes against mine and I feel heat rising in my cheeks.

I take a deep breath, it's now or never, Yeji.

Feeling brave, I inch my hand towards his and hold his hand. My face feels hot and I stare at the ground as I feel KunHang's gaze on me.

"Adorable," He whispers as he interlocks his fingers with mine.

We walk in silence but it's not awkward. Our interlinked hands put a smile on our faces and I can't help but feel giddy.

This date, I am quite happy that I went along with it, otherwise I would've never met KunHang.

"This is where I live," I begin quietly as I feel a huge weight on my chest.

It seems sad to part with him, I want more time to spend with KunHang.

"It looks elegant," He smiles shyly and looks at me, "Just like you."

"Do you want to come inside?" I ask him as I hope for an affirmative answer.

He looks at his watch and his smile fades a little, "I'm sorry but I have to go back."

"It's okay," I whisper as I take a step away from him "Thank you for today, I had fun."

He takes a step forward and my heart hammers inside my chest as he says, "I promise you, we'll meet again soon, Hwang Yeji."

He grabs my hand and lifts it towards his mouth, planting a soft kiss on it.


"Call me Hendery," The black-haired boy says as he smiles once again, "I would love to hear you call me by my nickname."

Heat rises in my cheeks as I stare at the ground, "Hendery,"

I like the way how his name rolls of my tongue, I like how his lips twitch when hears me call him by his name.

Taking a small step, I stare into his brown eyes and he gazes back at me. At that moment, adrenaline flows through my veins and at that very moment, I want to do something risky.

Inching my face close towards his, I place a soft kiss on his cheek, "Good night, Hendery."

Turning around, I place my hands on my beetroot red cheeks as I run inside my apartment.

"I'm doomed," I whisper to myself as I climb the stairs while I fish around for keys in my purse.

I bump into something hard and the keys fall on the floor, "Watch were-" A familiar voice trails off and I look up into his eyes, "Yeji?"

The smile, which I wore the whole night, leaves my face as I realise that it's Ten and he's here again.

Well, well, well, doesn't this look like the beginning of a love triangle?

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