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"Yeji?" Ten asks me softly, his hand wrapped protectively around my waist, "Are you okay?"

"Don't touch me," I snap as I step down on the stairs, wanting to get away from him.

His eyes, the one which were usually filled with amusement and playfulness, seem hurt as he pulls away his hands and looks at me.

"I'm sorry," He says as he moves to the side and gives me space to go upstairs.

For what? I want to ask him that but I know it'll be useless. Some people don't change, they keep on hurting you, they keep on coming back to destroy your happiness and Ten is one of them.

Clutching my keys tightly, I walk past him, hoping that he will let me go without a word but that doesn't happen.

"Can we talk?" He grabs my wrist, making me halt in my steps, "About last time?"

"I'm tired, Ten," I turn around and look at him, "Can we do this another time?"

"I-okay," He says as his grip loosens on my wrist, "Promise me you'll give me a chance to talk?"

My mind wants to tell him no but something in his expression makes me nod my head. He smiles like a child who was rewarded a candy and I smile slightly.

"I'll go now," I nod my head at him before I start climbing the stairs again.

"Yeji-wait," Ten calls my name again and I sigh as I turn around, "You- uh, look beautiful, like always."

I stand there stunned as he turns around and leaves, without waiting for an answer, without giving me a chance to react.

I don't understand why Ten keeps on coming back in my life and why he was here today, right outside my apartment.

It seems like life doesn't want me to be happy.

"How was your date?" Hani wiggles her eyebrows at me as I browse through my instagram, "I have to say Hendery is one fine man."

"I-" Covering my cheeks with my palm, I mumble, "I don't know but I enjoyed it a lot."

I wasn't sure if my heart felt jittery because it was my first date after a long time or because it was Hendery but I liked it a lot.

"I'm so proud of you, babe," She holds my hands and squeezes it, "If you give Hendery a chance, I'm sure he'll make you happy."

A smile grows on my lips as my mind travels back to Hendery and how nervous he was around me. He even saved me from a splash of water, even though he was wearing expensive clothes too.

The smile fades away from my face as Ten's words come to my mind.

You look beautiful, like always.

I don't know what his deal was. First, he told me that he missed me and then that I always look beautiful.

Was he being genuine or was he playing with my heart again?

"What is it?" Hani asks, "Why the frown? Did Hendery say something because I swear, I'll-"

"No, it's Ten." I tell her as I breathe out annoyedly, "He- He's messing with my mind and I'm so affected by his words, his actions and his presence!"

More than Ten, I was annoyed by myself because when he said that he missed me, I almost wavered.

After spending a good time with Hendery, Ten came and ruined it all.

It was like he had full control over my thoughts and I hated it.

"Damn, I wasn't expecting that," She fiddles with her hands before she looks up at me, "I'm sorry, Yeji. He came to see you and I told him that you went on a date with Hendery."

"It's okay, he was bound to find it out."

Is that why Ten looked upset? Is that why his eyes were gloomy and he didn't smile?

It feels wrong. I wasn't even going out with Hendery yet it feels like I am betraying him by thinking about Ten. I wonder how and when my world became so messy that I find myself torn between two boys, one who seems genuine and the other who is my ex-boyfriend, currently dating my friend, Lia.

It's a deep web, one which is quite messy but I have to entangle it. It'll take time and effort but I won't be at peace until I solve this mess.

Closing my phone, I place it on the side table as I lie on my bed and wrap my blanket around me. At that moment my phone beeps and I let out a sigh.

I had just gotten comfortable, who was bothering me at this hour?

Deciding to see the message in the morning, I close my eyes and get ready to sleep but the phone beeps again. Sighing, I grab it and click on messages.

Unknown: Hey, it's Hendery from today :D

Another message catches my eye and I almost click on it.

Heartbreaker: You up?

I ignore Ten's message and click on Hendery's instead.

Me: Hey, what's up?

Smiley-Hendery: Umm, can I call you?

He wants to call me but why?

To be honest, I don't mind listening to his soft voice right now.

Following the voice in my heart, I text him a yes as I nervously wait for his call.

"Hey," I breathe softly after accepting the call.

"I'm sorry if this feels rushed but," He pauses for a moment and continues, "I wanted to hear your voice again."

"It's okay, I could not sleep anyways," I lie as I stifle back a yawn, "Did you reach home safely? Are you sure you didn't catch a cold?"

"I can get used to this," Hendery says and I can imagine him smiling that shy, sweet smile of his, "You worrying about me, it's making my heart flutter."

"You're such a flirt," I laugh softly as I thank the lord that Hendery couldn't see my red cheeks right now, "How many girls did you practise this line on?"

He laughs on the other side and I hear shuffling before he answers, "Believe me, you're the first," he trails off softly and whispers, "and hopefully the last."

My heart beats rapidly as I hear those words come from Hendery's voice. We had only spent a few hours together but his words were affecting me so much.

That night, we talked for hours and neither one of us was ready to cut the call. It was something sweet and passionate that we shared, me and Hendery, and I cherished every moment of it.

He was so comforting to talk to, he felt like home but I had terrible experiences with considering people as my home because in the end, I was left alone, while my home became someone else's home.

I could only hope that whatever was going on between me and Hendery wouldn't be like my past relationship. I wasn't ready to lose a home once more.

I'm back after so long!! I blame school for keeping me so busy :/

Anyways, this update is dedicated to the lovely soul, KrazyKimMia

She left me with so many adorable comments and it gave me the motivation to update again :')

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