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It's been 11 months since Ten left me, since I left him, broken hearted.

Maybe he got his karma for breaking my heart. I don't blame him anymore, I don't resent him either, now I just feel sad for him. 

After that night, I didn't leave him abruptly. I ran out of Hendery's arms and chased Ten.
Thankfully, he hadn't gone far away and was still outside.

"You're crying," I tell him as my heart breaks into millions of little pieces, "I'm sorry, Ten."

He holds my hand when I try to wipe his tears, "It happens," He chuckles weakly, "Life is taking revenge on me.."

"Can I.. help you in any way?"

Ten shakes his head, "I wish you could but you can't. Can you do me a favour? You will think I am weird and weak but-"

"I'll do anything," I cut him off, hoping that it will make me feel less guilty, "What is it?"

"Don't come near me," He says quietly, "Pretend as if I don't exist. Even if I'm standing in front of you, don't approach me. Don't talk to me, just act like I'm not there. Please?"

"Ten," I sigh as I look at my shoes, horror filling my insides up, "Won't that hurt you more?"

He shakes his head again and smiles, "Please, Yeji, do that for me. That is the only way how I can really let you go and forget you."

As I promised him, I didn't see Ten again. It was hard for him, it was hard for me. It wasn't that I loved him, it's that I cared for him.

He was my friend, my first love, my almost forever and I wanted him to be happy after me.

Ten ignored me too. He pretended like I wasn't there and I did the same.

Months passed after he finally started acknowledging my presence. It started from timid hello's to soft smiles.

Now we were a pair of best friends with a deep history.

11 more months have passed and sometimes, when I sit alone and think about Ten, my heart still hurts but I think that will never stop.

"What are you thinking about?" Hendery's voice drags me out of my thoughts as he holds my hand and caresses it.

"You, me, Ten," I tell him honestly, "It still hurts, you know? He loved me but he hurt me.. It is sad how once you lose your timing, nothing works out anymore." 

"Baby," Hendery smiles at me as he pulls away from me and holds my face in his hands, "I see Ten everyday, don't I? He seems different than 11 months ago. He seems like he's happy and it's sincere. He's not faking it."

Hendery and me, we are quite happy and very much in love.

Everyday I love him more than I did yesterday and it scares me because I can't imagine my life without him.

After that night, when I cried and held onto Hendery, I didn't forgive him instantly. Instead, I told him to win my trust back, to make me feel like he could be my Hendery again.

"You ignored me too, you know." I tell Hendery as we take a stroll in the park, "Before we became official, you ignored my every call and text. It hurt me too."

"I'm sorry," He sighs, "I-Ten told me to ignore you, said it would surprise you more. Maybe he was envious but then again, I should've been more considerate.."

"It's not your fault, Hendery," I intertwine our fingers together and smile, "Let's stop asking for forgiveness and just earn each other's trust back."

Hendery didn't knew that he felt like my permanent home and he did his best to make me happy. He taught me to cherish the time we spent together, created new memories with me and finally, with his help, I was able to let go of the resentment that resided in my heart regarding Ten.

He taught me to be a better person and to forgive Ten.

Now we were here, together and happy. It feels like a dream, one from where I don't want to wake up from because it is beautiful and it is happy, it is horrible and it is sad, it is gloomy and terrible sometimes, but at the end, Hendery still remains by my side.

It is a wonderful dream because even when I cry, smile, get upset, get excited, Hendery is there with me. My heart opens up more and more to him and now, it is filled with him only.

"Yeji?," He shakes my shoulder, "Are you writing a novel in your head? You look so focused."

I punch him softly and smile, "What if I am?"

"Then I would love to be a part of it."

"I can't believe I'm really doing this," He mumbles to himself and I raise my eyebrow at him.


I look at him worriedly as he stands up and paces around before he finally stops and fishes around in his pocket.

My heart beats loudly and wildly as he goes down on one knee and opens the box, holding out the sparkling ring, "Marry me, Hwang Yeji, I love you and I promise to love you until I die. I know you have your doubts about me and that you feel scared to call me your home because you're worried that I'll leave but, baby, I won't do that. God, I love you so much and it kills me to imagine that I can hurt you. If I could turn through time, I would remove all your bad memories but then we wouldn't have met. Yeji, you can consider me your home because wherever I go, I'll take you with me. I promise to be your home for as long as I live."

My breath quickens and tears leak out of my eyes. My heart beats at such a fast pace that for a moment, I feel like I am about to die.

Standing up, I take a deep breath and shake my head at Hendery, "I- Yes!"

Words fail to come out of my mouth as I look at him and he looks back at me like I'm his entire world and right now, I know it's true.

He slips the ring on my finger and stands up.

Without wasting another second, Hendery wraps his arms around me and engulfs me tightly, "I can't believe that this is real. Yeji, baby, I love you, I love you so damn much and I won't ever let you go.

"I love you too," I smile through my tears, "I love you so damn much."

This is it, this is where I belong,

in the arms of the one I love, in the arms of the one who loves me,

because with him, I feel like I'm at home and that's the only thing I need.

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