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"You need to tell me what's wrong," Hani opens up the curtains, letting the bright sunlight blind me for a second before she comes and sits on the bed, "That's the only I can help you, baby."

There are so many things I want to tell her but when I open my mouth, nothing comes out except tears leak out my eyes as I lunge forward and hug her.

"I- I'm so lost, I don't know what to do anymore," I tell her as she pulls away and wipes my tears with her fingers, "You might think I'm being overly dramatic but I spent four years of my life with Ten and I loved him so damn much yet he broke my heart."

"No, no, I get you," Hani says softly, "Your scars need time to heal and you're not taking care of them. You're pretending to be fine when you're not and that will hurt you more. I can't see you hurt, baby, it pains me as much as it pains you."

Scars, maybe Hani is right. I still have scars from the time Ten left me but they aren't visible.

When he left, my heart broke and it's still in pieces from back then. The shards, the tiny glass pieces that I desperately tried to tape back together are hurting me, pointing their sharp edges in my rib, making it hard for me to breath.

"Why did it have to be me? Why did he break my heart? Hani, I would've backed off if he told me why he broke up with me but he didn't. I didn't get my closure and after years of pretending like I am fine, I know I am not."

Maybe I am still hung over till Ten, maybe I am over him but one thing I know for sure, it still hurts when I see him. It pains me when I see him happy with someone else while I'm still reminiscing over what we used to be.

Maybe I'm not over him, maybe I still love him and that's why I can't let him go.

"You know what's the best way to forget a man?" Hani wiggles her eyebrows as she smiles softly, "It's to meet another man who is good to you and respects you."

"I don't think I'm ready for a date," I trail off as I fiddle with my hands, "I can't seem to find anyone who really matches my taste."

"And what's your taste?" She laughs and shakes her head, "Men whose names are numbers?"

"Stop it," I throw a pillow at her and change the topic, "Are you sure it's a good idea to go on a date this suddenly?"

"If you want, I'll come with you," She begins softly and grabs my hand, "It'll be like a double date. Me and Sehun and you and Wong-"

"No!" I interrupt her loudly, "Don't tell me the name. I want it to hear it from the man himself."

Hani smiles brightly and I wonder what mess I had dragged myself into this time.

I can only hope that the date goes well, otherwise I'm doomed.

Oh my god, why did a agree to this date? 

That's the only thing that goes through my mind as I pace around my room.

"Take a deep breath, Yeji," I say to myself as I stare in the mirror, "It's just a date, you've been on many. This won't be any different."

"You ready?" Hani barges inside the room wearing a red dress that reaches till her thigh, "Hot damn, you look so breathtaking, babe."

"I don't," I whisper softly as I fix the neck of my silver halter top, "I look so glittery and-"

"Oh no! Don't you dare say that right now," She interrupts me and places her hands on my shoulders, "You look gorgeous. Be confident in yourself, okay? This is your look and you rock it flawlessly, babe."

I look in back in the mirror and smile timidly. Maybe I am just nervous, that's why I'm over thinking everything.

Tightening my long ponytail, I let out a deep breath, "Okay, I'm ready."

Turns out I still wasn't not ready.

I fiddle with my hands as me and Hani sit next to each other.

Our dates were running late as they found traffic in their way.

"Hey, look at me," Hani says softly, "Why are you nervous? You've been to many dates after Ten, right?"

I sigh as I nod my head , "I have but I feel uneasy like something will go wrong. The feeling is worrying me."

"It's going to be okay, I'm here with you," She smiles as holds my hand, "If you want to leave, just say the words, okay?"

My words die down in my throat as Sehun calls out to us and a boy follows behind him.

"Sorry for the delay," Sehun says as he kisses Hani's cheek and smiles at me, "You both look beautiful, like always."

"Can't say the same about you," Hani laughs as she grabs Sehun's hand, "Although I can say that I missed you a lot."

"Hey," My date sits in front of me and smiles shyly, "I'm Wong KunHang, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Hw-"

KunHang interrupts me as he pushes his long, black hair back, "I know, Hwang Yeji. I-uh, read your book."

"Guess you found yourself a fan," Hani whispers as she winks at me.

"Shut up," I tell her quietly before I turn back to KunHang, "What did you think about it?"

"I-uh," He stares at his hands and smiles, "I think whoever broke your heart was stupid. You're beautiful," He says quietly and continues, "But it's more than that, you're smart. You've got such a beautiful way with words that it makes me feel everything you went through."

"I know it sounds rude but I'm glad you got your heart broken," KunHang says as he looks at me for the first time, "Sometimes a tragedy gives birth to something really beautiful and in your case, it was your book."

"God," I hide my face as a large smile breaks out, "That's so sweet of you, I never thought of it that way."

"You've settled now, right?" Hani whispers to me as Sehun stands up.

"I have to show Hani something, you both enjoy yourselves, okay?"

He gives KunHang a pat on the back and says something in his ear before he smiles at me and leaves with Hani.

"Guess it's just us two now." KunHang smiles at me and for a second, a small second, my heart jumps a beat and I blame it on my nervousness..

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