CH. 20 The beginning

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Queenie's POV

I can feel my blood being sucked out of my body from the realization that I've been trapped, I was careless. I relaxed too much and here I am again, caught up with my father's webs of unfortunate. I want to kneel down and cry but I know doing that will not change anything or someone.

'' What? Did you really think that I'll leave you alone? Oh~  baby you have a lot to learn in this world we livin' in. '' She blabs as she keeps on patting my head, treating me like a child, well, I'm still seventeen years old but I know the hardships and the cruelty, I've been living it since I've been born to this world.

'' I already expected you to come for us but I didn't think-'' I reply, forcing myself to show a little bit of my braveness in front of this devil. The handcuffs are really getting into my nerves, I've been sitting on this chair for hours.

''Hours... Li-Lizzie!!'' I shot remembering that I left her alone in that grim home. She might be expecting my arrival. She mustn't stay up so late. Frustration keeps on building up inside me, acting upon what I'm feeling. I, with all force, tried to stand up from that chair but was quickly pushed down by her men to sit back.

''Don't worry about her, my partner is taking a good care of her.'' She sickeningly smiles at me before clapping her hands and orders two of her men to take me to a black van parked at the back of the building. I tried to move out from their grip but I couldn't, their biceps feels like they're made of steel.

'' Stay still kid.'' says the guy on my left.

''Put. Me. Down.'' But they ignore me and continue walking towards the car.

They open the car's door and push me in instantly, I let out a groan once my ass hit cold ass metal that is under the carpet. I was about to lift the carpet and a smoothe hand prevented me from doing so. I immediately turned to look at the hand's owner and was surprised to see a beautiful woman. It took me seconds to realize that I've been staring on her face for too long so I hastily remove my gaze from her face and sit my butt and put the seatbelt on.

The beautiful woman just laughs it off and close the door. I weakly slap my cheeks so I can concentrate. She walks around the car and opens the car's door and sits on the passenger seat.

She glances at me through the rearview mirror and says: '' If you'd lift that carpet, I'll cut your limbs off.'' I shake my head and stare outside the window since there isn't any music.

 Minutes later the woman who gave me the card sits on the driver seat and revive the engine without looking back at me. The journey was long, I thought or destination was in this city but I was wrong. I started feeling sick, imagining what they would do to me. I can feel shivers run down my spine as the wind touches my skin.

I look at the rear view mirror to see the woman who captured me smirk grimly then continues what she's doing. I clutch the hem of my clothe and breath deep. I just bow my head and pray that my little sister is alright right now.

Silence is all I can hear as we get farther away from the city but in my case, I'm already am, deep into my worst nightmare.

The silence is broken when that woman said: '' I own your soul and body darling and I'm gonna use it however I want''

At that moment the only thing I want is to die.

To be continued.



The school is my enemy but friends make my day with their idiocy.

Thanks for reading this chapter my readers!

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