CH.26 Warmth

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Queenie POV

Huffing from exhaustion, I turn my head to the left to see Ella fast asleep, her red hair falling down, covering her nose. Unconsciously, my hand reach for the loose strands of hair hand tucks them behind her ear. 

Catching myself, I pull my hand back and sit straight on the bed. This gesture is foreign to me, I shouldn't be here. The service is finished and I need to go back to her. 

I hastily put my lingerie on and fix my hair fearing that the kidnapper will extend this punishment. I shake my head in disgust before pulling myself out of the bed.

I hear Ella groan as she has her eyes closed, her eyebrows connecting soon her groan turns to sniffle. My body acts on its own, my feet walk closer to her, my hand reaches for hers, intertwining my fingers with hers.  

With my left hand, I gently caress her cheek, calming her even just a little. When her groan stopped, I try to get off and walk out but my right hand that that was holding with hers is locked together with her hand, she grips my hand.

Turning my gaze to her, I can see her eyes pleading for me not to let go, I sigh and shake my head. 

''Please Nie.'' - But her pleading voice weakens me, making my mouth move, telling her: '' Fine, just for a minute''

My answer etch a smile on her pinkish lips, making me feel the warmth that I've been missing since the whole accident happened.

She tightened her grip and nuzzle her head closer to my thighs as she let her eyelids close again.

I waited for a few seconds, making sure that she's really asleep. I quietly move back but her voice stops me. 


Her sleepy voice sounds sexier than-  I thought to myself.

But again, I shouldn't think of something like that.

I hmm-ed in reply, but she's not answering. So this time I use words. ''What is it, Ella?''


''I what?'' she already said that.

She groans loud, before slowly opening her eyes. She let go of my hand and gently shake them around my waist. I was shocked, startled, lost, she never hugs me like this.

''I missed you'' she finished, throwing me completely out of this world. Ella Taylor, the queen bee, my enemy, my bully, missed me?

She pinches my waist putting me back in my sane state of my mind. 

''Stop lying...'' I pout as I try on prying her arms away from me but she just keeps on tightening her grip before she shakes her head.

''I'm not'' She says before she looks at me eye to eye,

oh, she's serious...

Fuck, she's serious!

My mind is panicking while my heart is trying to get out of my chest, pounding heart.

''W-why? Don't you h-'' but she cut me.     

''Hate you? I don't know either, I'm the one who should be asking that question.'' She says as she slowly moves closer to me, her nose touching mine.

''I don-'' I blab but she put her index finger on my lips stopping me from talking more.

''Why am I crazy on chasing after you?''

Right at that moment, my world stop on turning.

To be continued.

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