CH.25 Bad Situation

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Queenie's POV

My body immediately froze when I saw her back facing me, I can still remember her figure well. My breath was stuck in my lungs the moment she touched me. 

Her expression changed from lust to something else I can't describe, it seems like her eyes are looking at me with pity and I hate it.  I knew that I shouldn't have rebelled, I wouldn't be in this situation with her, of all people, it got to be her.

I pull away from her grasp, hating that my body feels at peace with her touch. 

''Where were you?'' She asks again, slowly caressing my skin igniting the fire inside of me with every touch. I grab her wrist and throw it aside. 

I don't have to tell her my business, I don't even care why she's here, in this forsaken place that I'm trying to survive in. We all know this place is for pleasure only, nothing more nothing less.

''Why aren't you blabbing like you used to huh?!'' She shouts at me as I walk closer to the door with the tray on my hands. 

Why can't she just drown herself with women's body? She's so annoying. Leave me alone, cause that's what I'll always be, alone.

So instead of acting on my impulse, I act as a waiter should.

''If you cause a ruckus inside the establishment, I'll be forced to call the security team and tak-'' Suddenly I felt a warm, moist & soft sensation against my lips, her hand clamps on my waist holding me flush against her body.

Why is she doing this?!

I try to pull away from her soft lips, ''Stop-'' but soon after hers find mine right away, pasting them together. She's licking my lips, her forearms hugging me tightly as if I'll disappear any time soon.

She continues on savoring my lips, taking my bottom lip between her teeth then pulling it towards her, producing a moan comes out from my throat.

I keep on pushing her body away from mine but she keeps on pushing herself against me, pushing me against the cold metal door, that sends chills down my spine.

''What did you do to me?'' She asks breathlessly, her eyes filled with curiosity as her hands that then was on my small back, travel lower ending on top of my bottom. 

''What ... are you saying-'' I squealed when she suddenly smack my ass hard. 

''You fucker!'' I shout at her face while I slap her face. I thought she would hit me back but when she looks up, I see her smile.

I try to run out of the room but she hastily grabs me, pushing me down on the kamatsura chair, the impact made me gasp. Her figure hovering on top of mine.

''I like the view from here,'' she whispers in my ear as she slowly pulls down her body but stops when her stomach is a few inches away from mine. ''You look tasty... ''

My eyes widen in surprise, 

No god, no, please.

But no, god is still deaf & blind, not hearing my pleas.

Feeling helpless, I stop struggling and let her do as she wishes, after all, the wicked had put me into this. I can't disobey her again.

She starts planting butterfly kisses over my inner thighs, making me feel the hot feeling in between my sex. Her index finger slowly tracing down inside my inner thigh until it stops on top of my bundle of nerves, producing a low moan from my mouth.

I can't see her face but I know in my mind, she's smirking. 

I know her, all of her.

She starts teasingly rub her finger against it, making me flinch on every stroke she does. 

''You are mine'' 

The pleasure is blinding me, that I didn't hear the words she uttered. I strongly grip on the bed sheets as I continue on receiving the pleasures she gives.

To be continued.

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