CH. 23 Voices

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Two months later...

A headless body falls on the white tiles, as it hits the floor, some of its muscles spill out of the neck, a pool of blood staining the white tiles as Queenie stand frozen, shock written all over her face. 

But it was completely washed away when she sees the woman who captured her for her own twisted fantasy walk down the staircase wearing a grey suit that is stained with blood, evil smirk pasted on her lips.

A shiver ran down her spine as she remembers the night that this woman took the very last ounce of her dignity left in her while she pleas for her stop but it fell on closed ears.  She hugs herself tightly as she tries to endure the pain that her heart is in.

If then her life was already at its peak to break into pieces, now, that she has nothing in her reach anymore, she doesn't care on what's about to happen. Why? She has no one with her anymore even her dignity.

She's empty.

A loud chilling laugh comes out of the older woman's throat as she claps her hands, looking at the corpse in front of her. She grabs a gun that is placed on the nearby glass table and points it at the body. She pulls the trigger one, two, three times as she smiles smugly at her aim.

Queenie's eyes can't take it anymore, she turns her gaze to the side. After a few seconds, her stomachs reached its limit making her vomit the food that she was forced to eat this afternoon.

''Look at me Queenie!!'' Shouts Madela but Queenie is still busy throwing up. Her hands are trembling in fear and grossed out at the scene she's witnessing right now. She clutches on her shirt as her eyes start tearing up.

''Little bunny'' says the older woman as she slowly licks her bottom lip while she stares at the younger woman's legs, completely turned on. '' If you don't look at it, you'll be punished.'' She inches her lips closer to her prey and whispers '' You'll get it if you don't obey.''

Still trembling in fear, she tries, endures it. Slowly she turns her head and looks at the body, watching the broken bones, muscles, and blood slip out of the body.

She tightly closes her eyes after seeing the scene before turning her attention back to the predator who's eyeing her up and down while bitting her lower lip. 

''I- I d-d-did what you told me.'' She inhales deeply before she senses the warm touch running down to her navel, to her inner thigh making her squirm, not in delight.

'' Don't trust people's words, we always lie. lesson 1'' the older woman devour the younger's woman lips. Queenie stands frozen in her spot while Madela then feasts on her neck like a hungry animal she is.

Queenie looks up as she tries to avoid letting her tears flow out of her eyes. She wants to forget everything but how could she do that when that very memory that she wants to forget is always happening every day.

Madela let her hands roam on Queenie's small back until they end up on the girl's ass, loving the round and soft feeling, her hand smack the younger woman's bottom wanting to see the girl's reaction but she didn't get it.

But she doesn't care, she continues to keep her lips planted on Queenie's neck as she massages the girl's ass liking the feeling.

Queenie finally gave up, allowing her tears to fall down on Madela's shoulder as she allows the woman's touch.

To be continued.



How's fall for Y'all my fellow readers? Just wanna put this up while I can.

Thank you guys for reading and hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

peace out!

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