Chapter 21: Memories

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All I can remember from my childhood days is that my father has always been away, resulting for my mom to work and take care of me on her own. I can still remember the way my mom prepare three slices of bread for us and since we can't afford to buy a jam to spread inside the bread she'll tell us to close our eyes and imagine that there's a bar of chocolate inside of our bread. I tried to imagine it but my stomach was not buying it.

My childhood days weren't that bad, I remember the feeling of excitement when dad comes home with two burgers on his hands, for me and for my mom to eat. Going to school without food was terrible, I only have a bottle of water in my over sized backpack. Some kid gives me some of their lunch sometimes but I like my kindergarten teacher's choco bar more, it's delicious.

The kids sometimes tease me since I only have a bottle of water for my lunch but I didn't pay them any attention, my mom prepared it for me. And I was happy but as time pass by the relationship between my parents grew farther and farther away from each other. I didn't see the signs that their relationship was not that strong anymore. At the age of fourteen, a new member of the family was born, it was Lizzie, our little minion in the family. Naive me thought that because Liz came out of mom, my parents' relationship has been solved but I was wrong, so wrong.

Father stopped coming home and mom decided to bury herself in part-time jobs, resulting for me, a fifteen years old teen to take care of my months' old sister. I struggled every day to do everything while I take care of her at the same time. I remember failing a few subjects and arriving late to class but I pushed through. I needed to.

My mom started smoking at that year too, I didn't have the guts to stop her since I know, just by looking at her face, I know how stressed she was. 

And I hated it, everything that that was happening to us. I blame my father for leaving us for passing all the responsibility on my mom's shoulder. I wanted for him to come back and take his responsibility to ease the stress that mom was feeling.

I hated how I couldn't get out and have fun with my friends and how I was stuck taking care of my little sister. I hated how my life turned from bad to completely unbearable to live.

I couldn't voice out what I was thinking because I knew doing that was useless.

Months have passed by and one day, loud knocks on the front door woke me up from my sleep. Before I could walk down the stairs, I hear heavy footsteps entering the house. I was about to climb up but I heard a yelp, I peaked out the wall to see my mother standing in front of two big guys with a gun hanging on their belts. I stood frozen on my spot and continued on listening.

''You're Micka Smith right?!'' Shouted a deep raspy voice.

''Y-ye-yes-'' Stuttered my mom as she struggled to pry away the guys hand from her hair.

''You owe us!''

''But I d-don't know you'' said my mom, it sounded like a whisper.

''Well your husband does.''

'' Te-tell me his name,''

''Oh you don't know your husband's name huh? Well, let me remind you. Alexis Baltazar Smith.''

I could hear her gasp and slowly sob. ''H-how mu-much is it this time?''

''Just a couple of millions'' said one of the men. But as soon as I heard the amount I heard her sob harder.

At that time I'm sure, I resent him with all my heart.

To be continued.

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