Chapter 27

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I'm thinking of finishing this book, I don't know how long it'll take for me to finish. I'm thinking of starting on the 2nd book ( of this).

If I'm lucky, Thank you guys for reading, thank you, my fellow readers.


Ella POV

I blame this mouth of mine for confessing to her, I don't even want to tell her that... so soon. I want to run out of the room and scream until my lungs don't don't have air left. But I can't back out now, I've been searching for her for months and now that's she's within my grasp, I'll take this chance.

Fuck it!

The drowsiness subsides, I slowly caress her thigh as I stare at her shocked face. It seems like she too was shocked so I lean in, kissing her cheek as my hands search for hers, once I'm touching her hands, I lace my fingers with her, holding it tightly.

That seems to get her out of the trance, her eyes immediately look into mine, searching for doubt. But I hold her gaze with sincerity as I look back at hers. 

Her hands started trembling, tears started sliding down her cheeks until it lands on the bed's cover. I can't comprehend why, why she's crying in front of me as if she has so many burdens on her shoulder.

She shakes her head, continues on crying. I can't help but feel sad looking at how broken she looks in front of me. She looks so fragile in front of me that I'm upset, upset that I don't know what, no, who's the person who put her into this misery.

''I heard so many lies... that I don't ... eve-'' she says weakly, wiping the stray tears away from her rosy cheeks. 

''Queenie, what I told you-'' but she just let go of my hand, making me miss her warmth already.

''It's all fucking lies! No one loves me...'' she shouted full with mixed emotions. She balled her hands into fists, crying in front of me. ''No one misses me, Ella. '' she finished.

I swallow the lump that's in my throat.

Who the fuck broke her, for her to be in this state?!

I instantly run to her, hugging her tightly as she violently throws punches on my chest. 

''Why are you like this?! Let me go!'' she shrieks, continues on punching me but instead of letting her go as I did in the past, I hold onto her tightly, bracing myself for another impact of her fist.

''I don't have anyone, Ella'' she cries, buries her face into my neck.

With my hands on her waist, I pull her closer. 

''You have me.'' her sobbing stopped but then her hiccuping starts.

''Wha- hic did -hic yo-hic u say?'' I smile at her softly as I tuck the stray hair behind her ear.

She looks like a cute kitten right now, fuck!

''YOU.HAVE.ME.'' I clarified.

'' This is one of your sick jokes-'' she says not trusting my words. I wanted to just kiss her to erase any doubts that are in her head but if I do that she'll think that I'm only using her to relief my lust. I want her, I want her to be with me, I want to see her every day with a smile on her lips.

So I did something that I've never thought that I would actually do.

Be true to my feelings

''I searched for you for months, Nie.'' slowly I take a step closer to her. ''I felt so alone, so useless. I thought that maybe it was because of drinking too much or from over-thinking.''  I take another step, now I'm only one step away from her. She has this uncertain look on her face as she stares into my eyes.

''Whenever I see an ash colored hair girl, I can't help but think of you. '' taking the last step, I take her left hand in mine, raising it up to my lips, planting a kiss as I look sincerely at her. Hoping that she changes her mind.

She looks lost, shocked, surprised but I don't care. I want her to hear this, now that I have a chance.

''And now that I saw you, I'm sure.''  

Lacing my fingers with hers, I say wholeheartedly: I'm falling so hard for you, Ms. Smith.

To be continued.

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