New life... starts....

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Hi friends!! Sorry for delay... As I told you all earlier, I was busy with my practical exams... Now I am back...
Thanks for waiting friends....
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Here the story starts from our kiara and Pragya went to the apartment where it is allotted for them...

They bid adieu to the taxi man and move towards the lift...
And they get in...
Kiara saw an old man smiling at her... she too smiled at him..

Dadu: what's your name beti??

Kiara: I am Kiara, dadu... Shall I call you dadu??

Dadu: sure choti, is she your mom?? Where is your dad??

Pragya's face falls hearing it... Kiara kept quiet and hugged her mom...

Pragya: For Kiara, myself both mom and dad

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Pragya: For Kiara, myself both mom and dad....(tapping Kiara's hair lightly)

Dadu: Oh sorry beta, which floor you are?? Where are you from??

Pragya: we are from abroad, I got job in Helen hospital and our flat number is 104 in 7th floor... Papa..

Dadu: that's nice beti, my flat number of  103, opposite to yours... Choti ma we can meet often... (And kissed Kiara's cheeks)

They entered their flat, it was some what dirty.... Pragya knows Kiara had dust allergy , so she sent her to that dadu's house for some time..
Pragya started cleaning along with labourers... She didn't show off that she is a cardiologist... She humbly behaved with the people arranging their things... It made dadu to get a good opinion about Pragya...

Kiara entered dadu's flat... Where she saw a big family photo with dadu, dadi, his son and wife, his grandson and granddaughters.... Kiara didn't have anyone except her mom...

Dadu understood little Kiara's feelings ... Dadi came with sweets in a plate... and feeds Kiara....
And both started telling some stories to her, she listened to them happily...
She forgot everything and played with them happily....

Dadu told her that they are living alone in that apartment...his son is working in London along with his family.... Dadu wiped his tears through that Kiara understood dadu missing his family.... She kissed his cheeks and dadi's cheeks....

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