In Love with you

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Pragya is sleeping on the bed holding Abhi's hands... With tear traces on her cheeks... Kiara came out of dressing room with her cute frock...
Kiara saw her mom's state and got worried and winked at her buddy like what happened...

Abhi removes his hand from her hold smoothly and takes Kiara to balcony... Abhi sits on a couch and Kiara sits on his lap cutely.. He hugs her to his chest...

Abhi: Kiara.. I have a problem.. Will you give me a solution..

Kiara: what.. me.. My dad is superhero.. he will solve everything, that's what i used to think...
But you...

Abhi; sometimes...superhero needs angel's support too ...right.. (Smiles)

Kiara: oh...(smiles) ok.. Then tell me..

Abhi: you know right... Dad loves mom.. Mom is little angry and little upset with me...

In addition to this.. I'm hiding a big truth from her which may make her hate me...

I know its wrong to hide truth.. But I'm scared to lose her.. What if she hates me and leaves me...

What should i do now.. How could i make her to gain trust on me...

Kiara kept silent.. Looking at her dad's face cutely... Feeling bad for him..

Kiara: daddy.. I can't understand anything.. But only thing i know is.. You and mom are not happy..

Trust me.. Me and mom feels safe only with you.. My mom loves when you tries to make her smile... But she won't show up.. (Abhi sighs)

(Kiara touches Abhi's cheek)
Mom too loves you dad.. I'm damn sure.. Whatever happens.. She won't leave you.. She can't too...

Abhi: she won't leave me right...

Kiara: she won't..

Abhi: then.. Shall i tell her which I'm hiding from her..

Kiara: what are you hiding from her..

Abhi: its secret.. Between your mom and me.. (Smiles) i won't tell you..

Kiara: you are so mean dad.. I'm going...(twisting her lips)

Abhi: sorry.. Sorry.. Let's go.. (Went inside the room, carrying her)

In the morning,... Pragya wakes up and saw the clock and got shocked seeing the time as 8.. She searches for Kiara.. And Abhi is also not there.. She goes inside the bathroom and shouts for Kiara.. And Abhi...

She searches for them in the balcony... Then when she's about to open the bedroom door of her.. To her surprise, Abhi came with a tray of coffee, breakfast and water for her..

Abhigya My Cute Lovable Family (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now