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Hi friends!! Some friends asked me for epilogue, so here its for you all.. Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments..please do vote if you like this part.


Its been 2 months,

Abhi & Pragya are in overflowing love from head over heels.. Rockstar spends most of the time with his family.. Abhi went for a concert outside the city & its been a week.. Pragya & kiara misses him badly...


Abhi: I'm not going to the concert, it will take 2 weeks.. Yaar..

Pragya: no means no.. You should go.. I'll pack your bags..

Abhi: Pragya.. Please.. I'll miss you both... (Kiara hugs him)

Kiara: Mom.. Dad is not going anywhere... Don't go dad.. (Kisses his cheek)

Abhi winks at Pragya ...

Pragya: you're going that's final..

Now.. Present ...

However, daily they used to video call each other.. But still Pragya & kiara misses him very badly.. Our junior rockstar went crazy over her mom for sending his dad...

Before that whenever Abhi goes for concert, he will take Pragya & Kiara along with him.. This time, Kiara got exams. So they didn't go.. There our Rockstar felt very lonely.. He keeps calling his wife & child...

Pragya in mind: Before Abhi came into my life.. Only me & kiara..

But now everything is changed.. I missed such a gem.. Abhi.. Why didn't you came before? I miss you (cries)

Kiara's exams got over in a week, Pragya planned to surprise him.. Pragya & Kiara went in her nano to meet him & stay with him for another one week..

Abhi was in his music studio, playing guitar sadly waiting for Pragya's call.. Pragya & Kiara enters in & saw his sad face waiting for her call.. Pragya smiles... She asks Kiara to go in, waiting outside ...

Once Kiara enters in..

Kiara: daddy... (Shouts)

Abhi got sweet surprise seeing his child , he lifts her & twirls her around. He kisses her both cheeks..

Abhi: Kiara.. Missed you rockstar...

Kiara kissed his cheek...

Kiara: daddy.. Missed you...

Abhi: where's your mom..

Pragya enters in ,she coughs to get attention..

Pragya: It seems like Rockstar forgot his ...

Before she completes.. Abhi hugs her tight, kissing her both cheeks.. Pragya blushed....

Abhi: Missed you.. (Kissing her cheek)

Kiara closes her eyes..

Pragya: you bhi na.. All are watching.. (Blushes) Abhi .. (Hugs him)

They went to a restaurant and they spent quality time together.. Pragya feels complete with her family.. Abhi's loneliness went away...

Pragya sees both Abhi & Kiara licking ice cream in the same manner, she finds it cute..

Abhigya My Cute Lovable Family (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now