Truth is revealed..

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Hi friends!! Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments. Thank you so much for waiting friends.. I am so sorry, I got into works in college.. Sorry for inconvenience...

As soon as this part reached 80 votes, I will update the next one.. I have diwali holidays sure I will update friends ....


Here the Story starts...

Abhi is shown driving the car fast towards his mansion.. his mind questions him about his doings.... He ran inside his home once he reached there... He pulled out photos from the slab... He saw the pictures of his friends and him in Island near US... Abhi saw Pragya in a photo standing behind them and chatting with her friends... He got sweat beads on his forehead in fear....

In Principle room,

Principal: I am so sorry Ms.Pragya... I couldn't have asked you. But my position that's the reason.. don't feel bad.. you are really a good mom... Your child is so lucky to have you... And Kiara will study in this school for sure.. I promise... (With a smile)

Pragya: Thank you so much ma'am (with a simple smile)

Principal: Go to the office room.. get the forms filled and submit Kiara's Transfer certificate... Then you can pay the fees in the counter... At the same time, Kiara can go to her class room..first standard Section A...

Pragya: Ok ma'am... Thank you once again.. And ... Please do take care of Kiara... She is little bit naughty... But she is friendly....then...

Principal: Ms.Pragya, being a mom I could understand your worry... We will take care of her... She is my responsibility hereafter ok... (With a smile)

Pragya: Thank you ma'am..
Thank you so much...

In Abhi's room..

Abhi is ruffing his hairs with fingers... In tension that his friend is not attending the call.... Finally his friends Arjun attended the call...

Abhi: hello Arjun.... Arjun... That I....

Arjun: cool dude... Why are you so tensed??

Abhi: Do you remember... our trip in... That island... And...

Arjun: how many times I have told you ,just forgot those things man... Come on.. you didn't do any murder...

Abhi: first shut up... Listen to me... I saw a lady today... And she has a daughter, she is exactly like me in everything... And she is a single mom.. she didn't even know the father of her child...

Arjun: come on... Nowadays it becomes common... You can't claim every child of single mom as yours ..
Come on yaar...

Abhi in tears: you can't understand what I am saying.. I saw her suffering as a single mom... And I felt I did the same with another lady... May be she also suffers... In order to clarify my doubt, I came here to check our photos we clicked in that island... I saw the same lady there....

Abhigya My Cute Lovable Family (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now