What's This New Feeling??

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Hi friends... Very sorry for being late.. I lost my phone.. And work loads, stress, pressure couldn't get happy environment to write love stories.. That's why I delayed.. Really sorry.. I will update regularly here after, i assure you.. Please forgive me..

Missed you all lot..

Thank you so much for waiting.. After reaching 100 votes i will continue further friends..


Abhi and Pragya went to ice cream shop. Then a waiter comes and asked for their favourite flavours. Before Pragya opens her mouth.. Abhi ordered chocolate for him and butter scotch for Pragya.. She is surprised and asked him about his knowing.. Abhi first blinked and then told the truth that kiara told him.. She smiled.. Then they started talking about their professions.. That time their ice-cream 🍦 came.. Pragya adored Abhi who is having icecream nothing less than a kid with excitement.. Pragya felt like he is a big version of kiara..

After that they started moving out.. And was a commotion there.. Some rogues closing the shops and someone came to beat Pragya from back.. Pragya is unaware of it looking at the surroundings.. Abhi pushed her and started beating that rogue.. When he turned back.. Pragya is no where.. Abhi got shocked.. There was a big commotion.. And people are getting beaten up by rogues.. Some are running pushing others.. Some are closing the shops.. Some are breaking things in shops.. She is no where..

Abhi holds his head in tension.. He saw a lady crying with blood running from her head.. She is badly injured.. He thinks about Pragya and got teary eyed.. He came to help that lady but her husband came to her and he went in search of Pragya with tears.. He runs here and there like a mad shouting for Pragya..

On that time.. Her memories came to his mind..

Her innocent smile..
Her caring nature..
Her love for kiara..
Her soft words..
Her face comes to his mind, he can't control his tears..

Abhi in mind : Pragya where are you??.. Please come back to me.. I can't even get my breath.. Please.. How much you have faced in your life with nobody from childhood.. I made your life too complicated.. Why i am always unlucky and giving problems to you.. I can't forgive myself if something happens to you.. Please Pragya.. I am scared.. Come back to me..

With his entire throat and loud voice like thunder..

He screamed PRAGYA..

No trace of Pragya being there.. He searched for his phone but he remembered.. He kept in the car itself.. He can't control his tears.. He went to parking lot for searching Pragya.. There he saw her standing near by a pillar alone calling someone with serious face.. with some people and policeman.. Abhi can't control his breath in happiness.. He runs to her and hugged her.. Patting her head with his body little shaking .. As he was scared of losing her.. Pragya didn't expect this.. She is shocked.. She doesn't know how to get relief from him as she can understood his fear, uneven breath and shaking body.. She patted his back.. Asking him to relax.

Relieving from hug.. Abhi is still in tears.. Pragya is shocked to see this side of Abhi..

Abhi:you are fine right.. Pragya.. You are fine.(touching her cheeks, wiping his tears) I was scared that you.. You are fine, right Pragya.. I was..

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