The New bonding!!

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Hi friends!! Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments.. please do continue your support..
After reaching 80 votes, I will update the next part friends..


Pragya and Kiara started going towards school in their Nano.. Kiara seems to be so excited more than usual, Pragya felt something is fishy...

Pragya: Kiara, first you didn't want to go to school today ... Now you are so excited.. what's the reason...

Kiara; mom... My buddy is coming to school mom... Wow... It's gonna be rocking..

Pragya: who is that buddy...
Oh.. don't tell me that it's Rockstar...

Kiara: of course mom, my Rockstar buddy....
Hurray.. bale.. bale..

Pragya: oh my god.. I don't know.. what magic spells he did...

Kiara: mom, speed up...the car.. soapbox go fast..

Pragya: Kiara,how many Times I have told you call it as nano.. not soapbox.. for godsake.. please..

Kiara: ok, just for you.. but the truth it is a soapbox...

Pragya: Kiara, I don't know from where did you find these peculiar names for everything... omg...

Kiara: Mom, speed the car... We are getting late...

Pragya: (with a smile) yeah, yeah sure...


Sunny: chaachu, why are you driving this fast... It's not late.. go slow...

Abhi: yeah.. yeah. (But still he drives the car fast)

Sunny: chaachu... Tell me.. first... Have you find chaachi for me... Your face seems to be bright for the past 2 days... And your fishy activities, always smiling ...

Tell me chaachu, are you fallen in love with someone??

Abhi: what... Do you think so.. not like that... If so, I will tell you..

Sunny: chaachu. Why are you speaking tensed or serious... We can go slow...

Abhi: ok.. sunny...

A beep Sound came from his phone.. he got a smile on his face...

Abhi: sunny.. open the message...

Sunny: ok chaachu..

Who is this... Kiara Pragya...
Chaachu... I asked you..

Abhi: first tell me what she texted...

Sunny: haan...

Kiara: buddy, I reached... Where are you...??😞, I am searching for you here and there.... Tell me buddy.. the landmark😧

Abhi: oh no.. she has reached..

Abhigya My Cute Lovable Family (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now