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Hi friends! How are you all.. Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments.. Thank you so much for waiting friends...
After reaching 90  votes i will update the next part friends..

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Here the story starts from...

Abhi is shown sitting with Pragya.. In the auditorium whereas Kiara went to the stage with sunny for her drama.. Pragya is upset but smiles towards her daughter hiding her pains.. Abhi is broken to the core after seeing Pragya's sufferings in each and every situation as a single mom.. His guiltiness increased made him to hate himself..

After that Quiz competition happens for mothers where Pragya participates... And won as second...

And the super mummy title goes to our Pragya... Everyone wished her and Maths teacher asked her to forgive him. She left from there without saying a word.. It was seen by Abhi. Disha and other family members took away kiara and Sunny to canteen... Giving privacy to Abhi and Pragya..

Pragya is shown standing under a tree along with Abhi... Abhi is too nervous and scared to lose his family.. He Is scared about what if Pragya left him permanently.. As he didn't revealed the truth even after this much days.. He is scared what if Pragya didn't believe him..
He got tears.. Pragya noticed it....

Pragya : Mr. Abhi.. Is there any problem.. Please tell me.. If it is.. I will help you .. You look..

Abhi: Pragya.. I'm sorry.. I'm very sorry.. Please trust me.. I have no.. Intention to..

Principal: Ms. Pragya.. How are you.. Happy to see you.. And congratulations..

Pragya : thank you so much mam.. I'm fine. How are you mam..
(with a smile)

Principal: fine Pragya.. (smiles)  and Mr. Abhi.. How are you ..recently you released an album.. named... happy love.,  right.. Its superb.. I loved it ..


Kiara: Mom... Shall we go home.. Please I'm tired.. I feel sleepy.. (in a sleepy tone... hugging her mom's thighs, closing her eyes)

Pragya with a smile.. Lifted Kiara to her waist... Made her to lie on her shoulder to sleep.. Pragya is tired too at the same time.. But Abhi's longing eyes begs her not to leave him.. Whereas that principal is not ready to leave him...

Pragya : i will call you once i reach home.. Mr. Abhi.. Bye.. Take care..
(with concern in her eyes)

Kiara in a sleepy tone: bye buddy. ..

Pragya left kiara to sleep comfortably in the back seat... Whereas while driving.. Pragya mind is filled with the confusions of what Abhi wanted to tell her that too with tears in his eyes .. Why he is so caring and concerned towards her.. Who didn't even a close friend for him.. She is stressed with the day's happenings.. She saw her daughter sleeping peacefully with a loud snore..

After reaching home.. She lied along with kiara to sleep.. Kissing her daughter's forehead..
Suddenly she remembered about Abhi... And she called him...rings..

In Abhi's mansion,

Abhi is shown sitting in the centre surrounded by his family who is asking him to attend the phone...
But Abhi is scared to tell the truth to Pragya... He holds dadi's hands..

Abhigya My Cute Lovable Family (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now