Changing Heart Of Mine

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Hi friends!! How are you all.. Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments..

After reaching 90 votes, i will update the next part friends...

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Here the story starts from

Pragya cries.. Hearing Dadi's words...

Pragya : why are you all torturing me.. I have nothing with me.. Except my life....
Why can't you understand.. What I'm going through... (cries)

Kiara is enough for me.. I don't want my life to get complicated ..

I can manage on my own as a single mom.. Please leave me and my daughter...

We will go far away from your sight.. We won't disturb us.. Please.. Let us go.. Dadi. I beg of you... (kneeling down)

You are elder to me... You would have known, no relationship will last long if it is compelled to be..

Please dadi.. Understand my situation..

Abhi: pragya.. Please don't cry..

Pragya : you just shut up Mr. Abhi..I'm not talking to you.. I'm talking to your dadi.. See this dadi..

Your grandson has tied this without my permission.. Do you think its right..

If I'm your grand daughter, will you say same... Like you should live with Abhi..

You won't.. Right..

Dadi: i will. Trust me I'm doing all this for your well being.. I can't able to explain the things... You are not in the condition to accept it...

If you trust me.. Come with your daughter.. To our home... (tear filled) Abhi.. Come down with them.. I will wait for you.

Saying this, dadi went out holding her tears...

Pragya cries hard, Kiara stood besides her bedroom door and sees the happening but the little child couldn't understand what is going on there..

Abhi knelt down besides Pragya...

Abhi in tears: Pragya.. Please don't cry..

Pragya : please don't talk to me.. Go away..

Abhi: pragya please.. Let me speak just a minute... Please.....

Pragya : shut up... Please..

Abhi: i won't compel you in this relationship... Ever... We can be friends like before.. (pragya tears falls down her cheek)... Give me a chance.. If you didn't find me good.. You can leave me, then i won't disturb you.. I promise..

(with tear filled eyes) i will give divorce too.. If you asked it in future..

But before that.. Please give me a chance.. Pragya.. Please...

Abhigya My Cute Lovable Family (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now