Love of my life

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Thank you so much friends for your valuable votes and comments.. Here it comes to the last part of story... Shocked right.. Me too.. I don't have any other go.. Sorry for ending this story so soon.. I don't know why.. I lost interest in writing stories.. It will take time for me.. To start a new one.. I'm very sorry..

Thank you so much friends for all your support, votes and comments.. So far.. Miss you all..

Here its the longest update of my story..


Here the story starts from

Pragya And Abhi goes to dress section.. Abhi chooses pragya's lehenga and pragya chooses suit for Abhi..
They bought all necessary things for their reception.. And went back home.
Pragya got happy mood again. Seeing Pragya glad, Abhi don't want to open up the truth and upset her.

In the Abhi's mansion,
Pragya is getting ready and all dadis , relatives surrounded her and teases her... She blushes.. She felt like she's not orphan and has many for the first time in her life..
She felt happy after Abhi came into her life. She got everything what she carved for from her childhood.. That love.. That care.. That family.. Everything..
She felt like ,Abhi is his lucky charm.

She got hiccups.. Girls teases her saying that Abhi thinks of her.. Dadi hurries and gets water for her.. Dasi pats on her back when Pragya feels difficulty in swallowing.. And other girls asking her whether she's okay.. She smiles and she felt blessed and she thanked God for giving Abhi and his family..

There in Abhi's room, he is getting sweat beads thinking of how to tell the truth Pragya and Nikhil is compelling him to tell her now itself.. Nikhil doesn't want his friend to start his life hiding the big truth from his wife.. Abhi is hell scared ,that time.. our little angel Kiara came there.. Abhi smiles looking at her.. Kiara crossed her hands and looks at him twisting her lips..

Kiara: dad.. Why didn't you tell me before itself about the function.. I would've invited my friends too.. Right.. Why did you hide it.. (Turning her face)

Abhi: sorry.. All happened without my suggestion.. Even i don't know till afternoon.. Dadi only..

Kiara:that means.. you know in the afternoon itself.. You would've told me at that time.... at least.. Don't talk to me.. Dad.. (She ran away)

Abhi thinks of Pragya in the same situation...

Abhi: Pragya.. I'm sorry for hiding such a big truth from you..but it happened without my knowledge.. Actually i should accept.. Mistake is mine too.. But I'm knowingly didn't do it..

Pragya: first tell me Mr.Abhi.. What truth you are hiding..

Abhi: I'm the real father of kiara.. I was the reason for all your a single mom..(got tears) pragya...i..

Pragya: don't call me by my name.. When you call me.. I hate my name itself.. (Got tears) how much i trusted you.. You are also same like others..

Abhi: Pragya.. Listen to me..

Pragya: shut up..just shut up.. You fooled me so far.. You married me...
How could you do like this to me.. What wrong i did to you..

Abhigya My Cute Lovable Family (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now