Who are you??

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Hi friends!! How are you all? Hope you are all fine....sorry for delay as I informed you already I got busy with clinical works... So sorry for delay Friends!! Pooja holidays are coming, so I thought to update daily... But your co operation is also must... Do vote to let me update fast..
Thank you so much for reading friends!!

After getting 75 votes, I will update the next part...


Here the Story starts from ....

Abhi is shown looking at kiara with a soulful smile... She looks at him cutely and pulled his cheeks lightly...

Kiara: thank you buddy... Love you Rock star... (Kissed his cheeks)

Abhi: Love you too cutie..

Abhi in mind: who are you Kiara... Why my heart beats fast when you talk to me... When you kiss me, I feel I am blessed... When you look at me with a smile, I want you to keep smiling towards me lifelong...
What's this new feeling?? How I got this new bonding.... How I got attached to this child ,that too this quick...

Then Kiara went to her mom, Abhi got surrounded by press people and his fans... He couldn't able to see Kiara... He tried to search her... But everyone is hiding his view... After a lot of struggle, he saw Kiara is being carried by her mom... And he saw that little Kiara is teasing her mom, he got a smile on his face... Seeing her naughtiness... They went... But he still rooted in the same place without moving... Though crowd is bombarded him with a lot of questions and asking for autographs... But he is not in mood to answer.... His thoughts filled with Kiara... He went home... Kiara and Pragya is shown travelling in their car... Kiara is singing Abhi's song... Whereas Pragya's thoughts filled with the image of Abhi and Kiara..

Pragya in mind: who are you Mr.Abhi... Why I am getting some unknown fear and raising heart beats of mine when Kiara near you... I haven't feel like this before... I have seen Kiara talking with strangers like friend, it will make me to keep eye on Kiara to protect her but I haven't get any rising heartbeats so far... Something is there... I don't know what it is.... Even now I can't breath properly in peace... What is happening? But I feel I have seen him before I came to India... But where...where...

Kiara; Mom..where are you thinking?? Today Abhi buddy sang well right mom... I loved it... He rocked...he is superb... Mom, please always book for my buddy's concerts...I won't miss even a single concert... He is so cute mom...

Pragya: it's enough Kiara.. he is stranger... That's it .. you met him accidentally... You don't know anything about him, why are you praising him so much. Don't get attach to him... whoever he is... But he is outsider... Not my friend too... so, please control your excitement for a stranger...

Kiara: Mom, please don't tell him as a stranger to me, it hurts...(got tears) I don't know why... But I feel bad when you tell him as a outsider... He is my buddy... My cute Rockstar and I like him so much. So please mom.... (Tears filled her eyes)

Pragya stopped the car by side... And hugged Kiara.

Pragya: Kiara... I won't repeat it hereafter...I won't tell him as a stranger..ok..

Abhigya My Cute Lovable Family (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now