It's Destiny..

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Hi friends!!  Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments.. Please do continue your support..

After reaching 95 votes,  i will update the next part friends..

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Here the story starts from..

Pragya is shown entering the hospital,  every nurses,  peons,  doctors and even dean came to her and wished her..  She's surprised.. As she's a single mom,  none hasn't did any bad talks behind her back.. Now everyone shows her respect more than before..  She got happy little bit..  But the reality made her feel bad for her condition...

She did a heart operation for a 60 year old lady..  And it became successful..  She came out and saw nearly 65 year old man with adjusting his specs,  wiping his tears came near to her as soon as she came out of OT.. 

Oldman : doctor,  is she alright... (smiles hiding his fear)  i know she's alright.. Right.. (tear filled eyes)

Pragya : sir.. Not to worry.. (smiles)  she's perfectly alright...  Now she's under anaesthesia.. You can meet her after sometime...

Oldman : thank you beti...  I pray to God to give you and your family to have a long blessed life..  Stay blessed beti..  (touching her head)

Pragya thanked him and started moving from there..  She turned back and saw the old man..  Who is looking at his wife through the transparent glass hole on the door... She smiles..  She felt like that old lady is blessed to have such a caring husband...

While she moves,  she collides with a man who's talking urgently in phone.. She got slipped, a nurse holds her..  That man turned back to ask sorry but got shocked seeing her..  She looks at him confused.. He rund fast from there in fear..  Pragya sighed in anger.. Scolding that person who didn't even ask her sorry..

That man... Is shown.. It is none other than Nikhil..  Who mixed drugs in Pragya's drinks before 7 years..

Arjun... I saw her man... Abhi's wife... I told you right.. They both got married... I saw it in news.. I accidentally collided with her in a hospital .. She didn't even know who i am.. May be Abhi didn't tell everything still.. I think...

Arjun: oh.. God.. This Abhi.. Na..  I have told him before itself.. His name got spoiled in news.. If she didn't agreed to marry him,  what would've happened..  His entire career will be spoiled..

I got an urgent work now.. I can't help you..  I wanna know about that lady.. I just want to know whether she is good or she is after money of Abhi..  I can't risk our Abhi's life..  We should protect him.. He didn't do anything knowingly..

I don't want him to face troubles and sufferings for what he didn't do knowingly..

That's why i sent you there from Delhi.. Go and meet Abhi first..And  You idiot,  what are you doing in hospital..

Nikhil: i was lightly injured while taking u turn.  So.. I came here..

Arjun: you won't die.. Ok.. Go first.. (cuts the call)

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