petals pt. 2

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summary: part 2 of my one shot petals


Dan found Ava outside the literature classroom exchanging sly glances and rose words with her newfound counterpart. He made the wise decision of waiting until Julie had ducked through the doorway with thundering blood high in her cheeks before approaching his best friend. He knew that if he confronted her in front of the innocent moon child, he would earn Julie's distress and Ava's irritation, and he would rather not have to deal with either. He actually liked Julie, perhaps more than anyone Ava had ever dated before, and he respected and understood her gentleness. Just as much as Ava, he wanted her to feel comfortable, and she wasn't the type to remain idle and amused while he 'playfully' threatened her kind of girlfriend.

Ava caught his gaze immediately, as if sensing his presence. She seemed to understand from the slight flicker of irritation behind his squinted irises and the strange, dazed pout on his lips that he had something of great importance to talk about, and she beckoned him over to a relatively private corner of the hall, just between the lockers and the wall. Eyes followed them, all flashing and studying every meticulous detail of their exchange. Ava and Dan were both popular, both on two of the most successful teams of their high school, and they had countless admirers. It had been clarified in several ways that Ava was not Dan's girlfriend, and yet boys, girls, and in betweens still watched them with sharp gazes, leaning in to catch the smallest snippet of conversation so that they may carry their twisted knowledge to any ear that would listen.

Dan found it amusing, and would sometimes confuse the groups of gossips that would come up to him and ask if he and Ava were a thing by skirting around the question, or making suggestive implications that left them all red and hot in the face. Ava, however, hated it, because many girls would hesitate to approach her, being under the impression that her heart belonged to another man, and the ones who did dare speak to her were cautious of their movements.

She had once told Dan of a time at a party when she had been making out with a hot girl from the swimming team that she'd had her eye on for a while when she suddenly broke the kiss to ask if she was cheating.

"You have to stop making people think we're a thing!" She'd shouted immediately after recounting the event, scowling at Dan's roaring laughter.

"I know you're a hopeless case and can't flirt with boys for shit, but I'm actually trying to get some pussy over here!"

His best friend was truly ridiculous.

Though Dan understood her goal when she attempted to lead him away from eavesdroppers so they could speak in peace, he had a feeling that her clear want for privacy with him would only continue to give people the wrong idea.

"What's up Danny Boy?" She greeted once they were tucked away and ducking to avoid the piercing stares of their surrounding peers. He tossed all thoughts of romance aside, once again remembering stunning blue eyes consuming him, burning him in blazes of flustered infatuation that left his fingertips thrumming with its heated memory, impossibly soft peony words, and sweet honeydew giggles...all things his so called best friend had deprived him of.

So he glared straight into her awaiting almond eyes, setting his lips in a firm, sour scowl.

"Ava Lopez..." He growled out, and she quirked a perfectly arched brow at him.

"Daniel Howell..."

He huffed. "Care to explain to me what I just saw at lunch today?"

"Oh," Ava hummed, nipping at her plush bottom lip. She tilted her head, a kind of dejected look crossing over her features. "You mean me trying and failing to convince Julie to sit in my lap? Yeah, wasn't one of my best moments. I really thought I had her for a second...she was blushing up a storm...maybe I wasn't seductive enough...or do you think I can chalk it all up to her adorable shyness?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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