petals pt. 1

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Summary: So this was a request from @myriadnice. It will have several parts because I haven't had a lot of time recently for all of my stories, and I don't want to keep you guys waiting. Dan, the popular school football jock, falls for Phil Lester, the adorable plant nerd that no one can bring themselves to dislike. Also, Dan plays soccer, if you're American, but in England, they call it football. So I'll be calling it football.


No one could really blame him for being bored out of his mind in biology of all classes.

Ms. Sailors kept cutting him exasperated glances every time he let out another dragging sigh, but for whatever reason, said nothing of it. This wasn't totally surprising, seeing as the bony woman was extremely lenient with all of her students. This, of course, made her easy to take advantage of, and Dan had witnessed many 'rebellious' dumbasses whisper-shout vulgar curses when her back was turned and then laugh when she did nothing but grimace, or scribble some offensive slur on the dry erase board for her to discover the next morning. It really did upset him, because truly, he liked Ms. Sailors. It wasn't her fault that learning about the characteristics of sentient life bored him to tears. It was just...he had a very active imagination, and with science, it was all technical terms and cold hard facts. Sure, the labs were cool, and he found the documentaries intriguing. But on any average day, biology was probably one of his least favorite subjects.

He was left struggling to pry his lashes away from his cheeks as she continued chirping on and on in her enthusiastic voice about the history of bacteria on earth and how they evolved into chloroplasts.

Normally, in situations such as these, he would pass notes to his best friend Ava. They had the same interests, and although the girl was adamant about keeping her grades up and remaining a teacher's pet, even she couldn't resist the numbing grayness of inevitable boredom, and gave into his prodding about fifteen minutes into the period.

But today, Ava had left him all alone to sit next to her new friend Julie, a cloudy eyed girl she'd met about a week ago at some highschool party that Dan hadn't bothered to attend, and had hit it off with. From what he had gathered, Ava was trying to ask her on a date. Usually, this would be no problem for her. She was flirty and affectionate by nature, and had a unique charm about her that easily drew people in. But she'd encountered a bit of a panicked gay at that party. It was strange, considering the circumstances in which they met, but Julie was actually quite shy, and though her cherry red blushes and endless stammering gave away her returned infatuation for the girl, she tended to shut down Ava's advances by...running. Literally fleeing the scene.

So, Ava was attempting to win her trust by getting closer to her, and after discovering that the two had been in the same biology class all along, she had dropped Dan like a hot potato and ditched him for another.

He wanted to bang his head on the surface of his desk as he watched them canoodle, tucked in a safe, dim corner of the room, where their teacher couldn't see them.

He'd been betrayed.

Another huff of annoyed breath escaped his pouty lips, and he watched as Ms. Sailors tugged on the hem of her floral shirt in suppressed irritation.

He wondered if his sighing would be the one thing that finally broke the woman's sweet facade.

He felt a little bad for the boy in front of him.

He seemed to really be enjoying this particular lesson. He'd nearly jumped to the ceiling when she'd mentioned plant life, and although he couldn't see his face, his tensed body language gave away his anticipation. The chair was unneeded as the boy was pushing himself off the floor in his eagerness to hear more.

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