it's not that cold

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Summary: So in one of the new sims video, Phil exposed Dan as that friend who never dressed appropriately for the winter, and I admit, I am also like that, so I decided to make a one shot based on that, which is like cliche but it's cute so whatever


"Daniel James Howell, you cannot leave the house like that!" Phil scolded, candy lips forming a cute little pout, the glasses perched on his nose magnifying his worried and disbelieving ocean eyes, tinges of greens and yellow glimmering around the edges.

His thin figure was all bundled up in thick jeans and a warm, puffy winter coat lined with fluff, mittens pulled over his pale hands, an adorable knitted hat sitting on his silky, ebony haired head.

Dan on the other hand, was basically wearing a cardigan over one layer, a cotton shirt, ripped black jeans, and sneakers, and a simple black scarf thrown around his neck.

He was going to freeze.

Phil had no idea how he'd missed the fact that it was snowing outside, meaning it would be cold as fuck, and they were walking to the cafe to meet Chris, PJ, and Louise.

How in the world did he come to the conclusion that he would be okay in just that?

"Go put on a thicker coat right this second!" He ordered, and Dan scoffed playfully, rolling his chocolate colored eyes, but a fond, dimpled smile rested on his strawberry stained lips.

"Who are you, my mum?" He teased, running his nimble fingers through his light brown curls as he walked towards their apartment door, but Phil grabbed his wrist, shooting him an incredulous look.

"No, but I'm your boyfriend, and I refuse to let you leave the house like that. You'll freeze to death!"

Dan gave him a soft, reassuring grin, patting his shoulder in a manner that was meant to be comforting.

Phil frowned.

"Every coat I have makes me look stupid," He explained, and Phil gasped in exaggerated shock.

"Not true! You look like an adorable penguin! Please Dan, wear something warmer, I don't want you to get sick!"

Dan kissed him gently on the cheek, rubbing the pad of his thumb over his jaw, and leaving tingles of pleasure scattering across his seamless skin.

"I'll be fine," He promised, ignoring Phil's obvious doubt, and beaming confidently.

"It's not even that cold."

. . .

"Not cold my ass!" Phil exclaimed smugly as Dan cuddled into his side, feet dragging over the frosty sidewalk, eyes watering from the harsh wind, bursts of goosebumps swirling over his stomach and arms, toes freezing in his shoes, the tip of his nose and his cheeks tinged light pink.

He was shivering quite violently, teeth chattering as he tried to share Phil's body heat, keeping his hand tight in his clothed one in the hopes that some warmth might travel through his palm.

"I'm fine." He claimed shakily, but his words held no weight, an obvious lie since he was almost blue from the low temperature.

Phil scoffed, folding his arm around Dan's waist and pulling him close, continuing to scold him under his breath as they walked down the frosty streets.

. . .

While they sat at the cafe, pressed together, forgetting the concept of personal space as usual, and talking animatedly with their friends, Dan began to grow warm again, trembling fingers wrapping around his mug of hot chocolate and tongue sweet with the soft, flaky taste of pastries, and snuggling against Phil, who was playing with his light brown curls ever so softly.

But unfortunately, as they prepared to leave, it proved to be even colder outside than before, winds harsh and unforgiving, the cold sinking through every piece of clothing and biting at their skin.

"Ah fuck..." Dan muttered under his breath as they stepped out into the frigid air, dragging his feet along the cement sidewalk and Phil shot him a concerned look.

"Dan..." He mumbled worriedly, squeezing Dan's trembling fingers tightly in his own.

"I know, I know," Dan forced out through his chattering teeth, sniffling as his eyes began to water. "I should have worn a thicker coat."

Phil hummed in agreement, biting his bottom lip thoughtfully.

Before Dan could protest, he was shrugging off his own coat and bundling Dan's shaking form up in it, tugging his scarf tighter around his neck and pressing a cold kiss to his forehead.

"B-but P-phil!" He tried to argue, but Phil only giggled, pressing his fingers against Dan's chapped lips.

"I have on more layers than you Danny," He explained, holding Dan in his arms as they stumbled down the street. "I'll be okay."

Dan wanted to protest, but Phil wasn't having any of it, so he resided to shuffling along in Phil's embrace, both of them shivering, and cursing at the wind as it blew underneath their clothes.

And when they arrived back at their warm, comforting apartment, they made themselves some hot chocolate, curled up together on the couch, cuddled up under a thousand thick blankets, and watched anime until they fell asleep.

A/N: Was it okay? Good? Bad? Terrible? Amazing? Please leave comments telling me your thoughts and feelings and thank you sooooo much for reading. I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so much. You are so beautiful. You are gorgeous in every way. I'm right here if you ever need me, it would be my pleasure to be there for you. Take your time, relax, take deep breaths. Breathe in, breathe out. You can do this. I believe in you. You are worth so much more than your darkness. You are soooooo much more than good enough. You deserve kindness, happiness, and health. Be kind to yourselves, be unapologetically yourselves, take care of yourselves, and treat yourselves because you're special and you're worth it. I'm sending you all really warm virtual hugs. Have a warm drink, watch something funny, cuddle with a stuffed animal, get comfy. I wish I was there to take care of you but since I'm not, please do it for me. Treat yourselves like you are the most precious thing in this universe, because you deserve it. Eat and stay hydrated! Love youuuuuuuuu!

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