warm milk and honey

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Summary: Phil is sick and can't stop coughing so Dan researches ways to make him feel better


Phil doubled over, pale warm hands clutching his stomach as a terrible sounding cough ripped from his sore throat.

His cotton candy lips were chapped and dry, his glasses sitting crooked on his sniffling nose, and tissues were scattered across the sofa cushions.

His eyebrows furrowed, exhausted ocean eyes burning with frustration as he hacked up his lungs every five seconds.

His body shook so much with each cough that his twisted blankets wrapped around his waist and slender legs slid off of his body and onto the floor.

His head was pounding, and he rubbed his temples with the tips of his fingers groaning in annoyance.

He hated being sick.

"God Phil, you sound awful." His boyfriend Dan commented, walking into the lounge with worry brimming in his coffee colored eyes, flecks of gold and hazel shimmering around the edges.

Phil laughed lightly, small giggles falling from his lips before abruptly turning into harsh coughs. Dan winced at the sound.

"Gee, thanks Dan." He replied sarcastically, his voice hoarse. He tilted his head up, peering up at the man through half closed eyes.

His curly light brown hair hung neatly around his head, twisting around his ears. His pretty lips were rosy pink, his honey skin glowing beautifully, and he was already dressed in ripped black jeans and a Spirited Away shirt. Phil envied his health.

Dan only rolled his eyes playfully at the sarcasm and leaned down to pick Phil's thick blankets off the floor. He draped them across his pale, shivering body, his warm, sun kissed fingers brushing across his cheeks as he tucked the covers under his chin.

"Thanks." Phil mumbled, curling further into himself and making room for Dan on the couch. He felt the cushions sink, and immediately snuggled into his warmth, inhaling the vanilla scent clinging to Dan's clothes.

Dan sighed gently, running his hand through Phil's ebony locks, smiling slightly as Phil hummed contently before coughing again.

"I hate this." He whined, his voice hoarse and Dan frowned, kissing his forehead softly.

"I know lion, I'm sorry," he said, pulling Phil closer to his side. "Do you need anymore cough drops?"

Phil shook his head.

"They don't work that well anyway. Just stay with me."

Dan grinned, eyes shining happily. He leaned down to kiss him but Phil scowled at him, pushing him away.

"Are you crazy?" He asked, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. "You'll get sick too. Then we'll both be sick and sneeze in each other's faces all day until we die."

Dan laughed at him, pretty giggles spilling out of his dark pink lips and filling the air.

"What?" He exclaimed, staring at him disbelievingly.

Phil huffed, playing with Dan's fingers as his lips formed a pout.

"If we sneeze too much we won't be able to breathe, and then we'll get spit all over each other, and we'll get each other so sick we'll die."

Dan just shook his head, giving his boyfriend what his subscribers would call, heart eyes.

"You know that literally makes no sense right?"

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