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Summary: Phil worries he looks ugly in every outfit he tries on and Dan is awed by his beauty and how he can't see it. This is something that happens to me quite often and it gave me a one shot idea. It was also partly inspired by Bedroom Troubles...or Not in Gorgeous_Geek's Fluffy Phan One Shots, you can check her out.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: self deprecation

"Phil!" Dan called, leaning against the kitchen counter and glancing at the time on the microwave.

They were going to Louise's party today, and if they didn't leave soon, they were going to be late, but Dan's pale skinned boyfriend had yet to leave his room, and Dan was beginning to grow worried. Usually it was him who was still getting ready while Phil shouted nervously from the lounge. He was the procrastinator, not Phil. So this...this was new. And while everyone had off days, being behind schedule was not something that happened very often for Phil. At least not without him running around the house having a mental breakdown about it.

Dan's chocolate eyes decorated with hues of gold and burgundy, brimmed with burning anxiety as he was met with silence.

He stood up straight, pulling his hands out of the pockets of his ripped black skinny jeans.

"Phil?" He tried again, walking slowly towards the bottom of the stairs.

When he was met with nothing but silence once again, he decided he should check on him, and rushed up the steps, walking briskly down the hallway and knocking on Phil's bedroom door.

He pressed his ear against the white painted wood, and he heard Phil clumsily moving around inside.

He pushed the door open and his jaw dropped when he was met with the sight of Phil, a usually calm and gentle being, furiously tearing through his closet and throwing his precious clothes all over the room, his sapphire blue eyes shining, tinges of yellow and green shimmering around the edges of his pupils, and his ebony black hair a mess, as though he'd been running his nimble fingers through it continuously. His candy cotton colored lips were bitten and red, and he was breathing harder and more irregularly than normal.

He walked into the colorful room, ducking to avoid a shirt being thrown his way.

"Phil?" He called quietly, a worried frown on his lips and his eyebrows furrowed.

When Phil didn't respond, he placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, sun kissed fingers curling over the fabric of his pajama shirt.

Phil flinched suddenly, and Dan let out a squeak of surprise as he spun around to face him.

"Dan!" He cried, trying and failing to sound less distressed than he clearly was. "Um...when did you come in?"

Dan's frown deepened.

"I called but you didn't answer and I got worried. Phil...what are you doing?"

Phil sighed, tearing his hand through his hair again.

"I can't find anything to wear." He grumbled, walking back to the closet and glaring at it angrily.

Dan's gaze flirted over the piles of clothing on his bed and scattered across the floor.

"Sweetheart, there are plenty of things to wear in here."

Phil whipped around, his shoulders shaking as he twisted his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Not anything I actually look good in!" He exclaimed, snow white cheeks tinged pink.

Dan's face lit up with realization, eyes widening slightly.

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