love like you

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Summary: Based off of the video above. Such a sweet video and such a sweet song. This is going to be really fluffy and sweet.


The sky was crying again.

It must have been the thousandth time that week that the clouds had paled into gray with their heavy sadness and tainted the air with the anticipation of their tears.

It must have been really sad lately, to cry so much, and Dan should have known better.

Known the sky would wrack the earth with its sobs and its cries, the small rumbles of thunder resonating in his bones, and the water darkening his waves of brown curls, dampening them until they stuck to his cheeks and the nape of his neck, his drenched clothes sticking to his body as he rushed across the street. His sneakers slapped against the gathering puddles as he ran for cover, internally scolding himself for not listening to Phil.

Phil who warned him that he shouldn't go out, that it would rain, that wandering off might end with him catching a cold and spending the next few days bundled up in a cocoon on his bed, coughing and sneezing, and whining to him about how miserable he felt.

But he went out anyway. Went out because his heart was aching and perhaps leaving the confinement's of his warm home, the comforting embrace of the man he would never deserve, who thought him to be something that was far beyond his wildest hopes, the dull pain in his chest might dissipate.

Dissipate just a bit.

But it didn't, and now he was soaking wet, his book which he'd used to protect himself soaked too, and stranded under the branches of the nearest tree, angry and frustrated with himself for his ignorance that had led him to be in this situation.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid..." He muttered under his breath, his warm exhales puffing from his plush lips and swirling into the air in bursts of cool fog. He wiped at his face, blinking the blurriness from his eyes at the raindrops caught on his lashes, and shivered.

It was cold and wet.

How unfortunate.

He cursed at himself once again, but before he could continue to berate himself for his choices, he caught sight of an approaching figure.

A rather familiar approaching figure.

A tall man with a thin frame, wrapped in bright colors, standing out against his seamless sugar white skin, a coat wrapped around his shoulders and another hanging from his arm, his pale, nimble fingers curled around the handle of his umbrella. His shock of ebony hair blowing slightly around his head in the harsh wind, a soft, reassuring smile on his candy stained lips, his ocean eyes speaking before he did.

"I told you," He teased in his pretty, deep voice lightened by the sunshine laced in his tone, the evergreen youthfulness shining through his features. Dan blushed darkly, a rose pink rising to the surface of his skin. Phil passed him his coat, which he immediately shrugged on, muttering a small thanks in gratitude, but Phil waved it away. "It's no problem Dan," He promised, lacing his free hand in his and pulling him into his side, seeming to guess something was wrong without him having to say a word. He held the umbrella over both of their heads, tilting his chin with a smile. "We wouldn't want you to get sick, now would we? Gosh, I told you it would rain. What if you've caught a cold? You know the heater isn't working that well in our house right now. Do you want me to go out and buy you loads of blankets?" His face suddenly lit up, and Dan couldn't help but giggle fondly.

How could any human be so adorable?

"You know, they have those really fuzzy blankets at that one place! What's it called? If we find them, we could wrap you up in it...and you could waddle around the house like a penguin! We could play a game. A penguin game. We could do it together. Sound fun?"

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