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Summary: Phil is up late working, and Dan just wants him to rest. Also the picture above has nothing to do with this one shot, I just thought it was funny.


Phil yawned, lips stretching open in a wide o shape as a quiet noise of exhaustion escaped his throat, and pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, ocean eyes squinting at the bright screen of his computer. He was currently sitting in the gaming room, which he hadn't been in all that much since he and Dan announced they'd be taking a break from their gaming channel, twisting from side to side on his office chair, nimble fingers skimming over the mouse. The harsh lighting cast shadows over his cheekbones, high lighting his jawline against his milky white skin and bring out the glimmers of yellows and greens shining around the edges of his pupils, and while exhaustion kept grasping at his bones and dragging him down, lashes occasionally dipping over his cheeks, he forced himself awake, shaking his head and continuing his work.

This was important after all.

Maybe the most important thing he'd ever done in his life.

And it didn't matter that it was almost two in the morning and he was tired, and he hadn't seen Dan since about six that evening, because he needed this to happen, and it would happen faster if he worked on it.


He did feel a bit concerned, knowing that Dan sometimes suffered from bouts of insomnia, or sometimes even nightmares, and would toss and turn in an empty bed, too guilty to ask him for help, and that made him feel almost sick with worry.

Strange considering the man had given no hints that he was having a hard time, so he was jumping to conclusions based on nothing, but truthfully, Phil enjoyed spending most of his time by Dan's side, and being the naturally anxious person he was, even as he was typing away, he was wondering if Dan was okay.

Should he check up on him?

Bring him a glass of water?

Make sure he wasn't too cold?

Make sure he wasn't too warm?

He shook his head, remembering that Dan was a perfectly capable adult.

The sleep deprivation must have been getting to him.

He hadn't told anyone, but he'd been staying up quite late attempting to get more of this done a lot in the past two weeks they'd been on vacation from the gaming channel. And maybe it wasn't healthy as he was meant to be resting.

They'd had a crazy year after all, and had barely taken a second to breathe before plunging right into editing the film for Interactive Introverts, uploading videos, spooky week, and the five days of dilmas. Plus going to Brazil in between all of that to talk about the tour and the dvd.

This was supposed to be down time.

But Phil couldn't help how much he was anticipating this next chapter of their lives, couldn't help but jump at the opportunity to start on it. And of course he wouldn't let Dan help. Not right now anyway.

He couldn't and wouldn't control Dan, but he felt that Dan deserved the rest a little more than him.

He'd been tired recently, and it wasn't good for his depression to be so stressed out, so Phil just wanted to treat him and allow him to relax.

And though Dan always told him that he needed to make some time for himself too, he really cared more about seeing him sleeping and eating well than taking care of his own needs.

So, here he was, burning his retinas in the early hours of the morning, shivering slightly from the cool, evening air that had fought its way through every crack in the house and chilled him to the bone.

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