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Summary: Phil is Dan's home.


Nervous couldn't begin to describe the feeling that overtook Dan's senses as the train rattled along the tracks.

His phone rested in the palm of his hand, clutched tightly between his clammy fingers, and every time the screen flickered and glowed, a new message appearing on the lock screen, he would jump in his seat, back pressing further into the hard surface he was leaning against. His knees were pulled up to his chest, his toes dangling off of the edge. It was almost as if he were trying to tuck his legs into his stomach. He made himself as small as possible, so the wandering eyes around him wouldn't fall on his huddled form and burn through his skin, and his scattered mind wouldn't latch onto the familiar feeling of anxiety and speculate the symbols behind their pupils and the words locked behind their lips.

He was sure he looked a little weird. Knowing what he would be doing that day, he'd woken up extra early, and spent almost an hour getting ready, finding every minuscule flaw that was out of order and doing his best to fix it. He'd straightened his hobbit hair meticulously until his soft brown locks hung around his ears in perfect tufts, and then tousled and shook it out to make it look more natural. He'd searched his drawers and closet desperately for the right outfit, most of his options consisting of skinny jeans and black shirts. But in the end, he'd gone for a dark shirt and a grey cardigan, something he wouldn't normally wear. And then his usual pants.

He'd even outlined his eyes with barely noticeable eye liner, darkening his coffee colored lashes, and hoping it made him look even slightly more attractive. But sitting on that train, confident was the last thing that came to mind. He was almost shaking with panic, flinching occasionally at nothing, and his gaze dancing about as if he were high. Which he wasn't. He'd curled so far into himself that he resembled a roly-poly, and he was holding his phone as though he would die without it. He was afraid he'd sweat through his clothes before he even arrived. And wouldn't that be embarrassing.

But it was him, Daniel Howell. Socially awkward and anxious. Invisible. Everyone's second choice and last resort. Someone who failed at simple human contact. He was like some sort of pathetic alien. He couldn't expect much from himself, and knowing him, he'd scare the older boy away before his voice escaped his throat.

He wondered if it was too late to take a rain check.

But one glance at the text messages that were piling up in bubbles on skype rooted him to his seat.

Lion😋: are you almost here?

Lion😋: I can't wait to see you

Lion😋: I bet you're even more gorgeous in person

Lion😋: if that's even possible ;)

Dan smiled softly, a slight curve on his shaky lips, and hastily typed a quick reply, pressing his forehead to the window as the world flashed by.

Bear😑: Yeah I'm almost there

Bear😑: I'm nervous

Dan breathed out a heaving sigh after admitting the fact, nibbling on his bottom lip thoughtfully as he impatiently waited for a reply.

Lion😋: why? It's only me

Lion😋: I bet I'll explode when I see you

Lion😋: I'll explode rainbow glitter

Dan laughed softly, shaking his head. Phil had always been so endearingly silly.

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