yellow blanket

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Summary: Phil tells Dan a story under a yellow blanket.


Dan giggled, high pitched laughter spilling from his cherry blossom lips and painting the air in the same pastel pink dusting his cheeks, nuzzling into Phil's shoulder as he pulled a thick yellow blanket over their heads, tangling their slender legs together, Phil's mismatched socks pressed to Dan's cold feet.

"'re so warm..." Dan mumbled sleepily, long, dark lashes fluttering over his champagne skin, the wide neck line of his beige sweater slipping under his collarbones. Phil's pale, nimble fingers traced over them gently, trailing over his neck, cast with golden shadows of sunlight filtered through the covers, and combed through the light brown curls tousled around his ears.

Dan sighed, heated breath swirling into the air between them, and leaned into his touch.

"Don't stop."

A smile tugged at Phil's candy stained mouth, ocean eyes glimmering with tinges of greens and yellows as he twisted the silky strands in his soft palms.

"Oh..." He teased softly, deep, lullaby laced voice drifting across Dan's consciousness like a peach flavored cloud. "Do you have a thing for hair pulling?"

Dan breathed in Phil's intoxicating scent, his sweet redolence muddling his tired, loopy thoughts, fingers curling into the cotton fabric of Phil's sweater.

"Maaaaaaybe..." He drawled, cuddling into Phil's side and gasping when his warm hand skimmed his bare thigh. "I like it when you play with my hair...feels nice. Keep doing it."

Phil chuckled quietly, tongue peeking out of his teeth adorably, and obliged to Dan's wish, his touch leaving tingles of pleasure jumping across his skin.

"Anything for you bear."

Dan hummed dazedly, tracing soothing circles over the inside of Phil's wrist.

"Anything?" He asked, chocolate eyes glimmering with golds and hazels, and Phil nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.


Dan bit his bottom lip, twisting it between his teeth, an almost hesitant look settling over his features.

"Can you...can you tell me a story?"

Phil's eyes crinkled at the edges, a low, thoughtful purr vibrating in his throat.

"What kind of story?"

Dan shrugged a bit, burying his flushed face in Phil's chest and listening to the steady beat of his heart.

Phil laughed at his shyness, enjoying how easily flustered he could get, arms circling around his waist and pulling him even closer.

"Okay, so once there was a boy..."

"What was the boy's name?" Dan interrupted, and Phil shot him a playful glare, booping his nose.

"Shh," He scolded, and Dan giggled again, squirming in his embrace. "I'm gonna tell you. Gosh I get no respect around here."

Dan kissed Phil's jaw in a quiet apology, nodding as a gesture for him to go on.

"So, there was once a boy named Philly, and Philly was very quiet. He was shy, and didn't talk much, and was very anxious around a lot of people. And he was lonely."

Dan gasped softly, a slight frown painted on his lips.

"Lonely? Why?"

"Well, Philly was a bit odd," Phil continued, drawing patterns over his back. "Everyone thought he was weird. They called him a freak, and laughed at him, and even though he tried to be kind and polite, he was always taken advantage of. But he never said anything, and even though the mean boys at school used to bully him and chase him because he carried a purse to school, he never did anything about it. He let people walk all over him, and he stopped talking as much, because he didn't want anyone to think he was strange."

"But it's good to be weird," Dan announced, blushing darkly as Phil's loving gaze fell on him. "Normalness leads to sadness."

Phil smiled at the reference, stroking Dan's head as he went on.

"But it was okay, because eventually Philly graduated from High School and made friends like PJ and Chris. But it still wasn't enough. Philly never knew true love until he met Danny."

Dan flushed, whining softly against his neck.

"Danny was beautiful. He was the most beautiful person that Philly had ever met, inside and out. He was adorable, and he had a gorgeous body, every single part of it, and he was brilliant, and amazing, and they had the best conversations, and Philly stayed up all night talking to him because he had the most soothing, adorable voice. He loved his light brown, bouncy curls, he loved his champagne skin, and his rosy cheeks, and the freckle by his warm, sparkling eyes, and his soft lips that tasted like flowers and sunshine. He loved his laughter, and the sound of his pretty voice, and the way his name sounded on his tongue. Philly knew he wanted to spend eternity with Danny, and it didn't take him long to realize just how in love he was. Danny was insecure, and didn't realize he was a precious angel, but Phil was more than happy to remind him every second of every day. And Danny always stood up for Philly when people were mean and tried to ignore him. They saved each other, and Philly knew he could never live without Danny. He loved him more than anything, and forever was only half the time he wanted to spend with him. As long as Danny was by his side, he knew he would never be lonely again."

There was silence for a few moments, just the sound of their gentle breathing, soft hums, and the shifting of the blanket over their intertwined bodies, heart's thudding against each other.

Then Dan turned slightly, staring up at Phil through soft, warm eyes, lashes fluttering slowly over them, curling further into his embrace.

"Phil?" He said quietly, whispers falling over Phil's skin.


Dan played with Phil's fingers, a soft curve stretching over his mouth.

"Danny won't leave Philly. He will always be by his side."

Phil smiled, sapphire pools twinkling as he tilted his head curiously, ebony hair shifting over his forehead.

"Hm, really? How do you know?"

Dan beamed, crinkling moons glimmering with fondness and joy.

"Because Danny loves Philly more than anything. He wouldn't be able to survive without him, and he wouldn't want to."

Phil's heart swelled, warmth and colored petals blossoming in his chest, an overwhelming rush of affection coming over him.

He loved Dan so much.

"He thinks Philly is beautiful. And when he's with Philly...he feels beautiful too."

A/N: Good? Bad? Awful? Amazing? Does it need improvement? Please leave comments telling me your thoughts and feelings and thank you so much for reading. I love you all so so so much. You're so beautiful, inside and out and you're even more beautiful when you're healthy. I promise, you are sooooo much more than good enough. You're gorgeous, don't hurt your precious bodies, you are angels. You are so incredibly loved. I support you, and I'm here. Be unapologetically yourselves and never be afraid to ask for help. Take deep breaths, everything will be okay. I believe in you. You can do this. Take care of yourselves, be kind to yourselves, and treat yourselves because you're special and you're worth it. I'm sending you all virtual hugs! Eat and stay hydrated! Love youuuuu!

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