january mornings

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Summary: A day in the life of Dan and Phil on cold January Mornings.


It was another cold January morning.

It was snowing in England, much to Dan's surprise and Phil's excitement, a blanket of fresh, untouched sugar white layering the ground, dusting the sidewalks in bursts of frost, sharpening the biting winds, and leaving the streets covered in the occasional slabs of slippery ice, and the frigid temperature had sunk through all of their windows and doors, fogging up the glass and forcing the occupants of the house into shivering under their many blankets as they slept. As soon as Phil woke up that morning, the sunlight pale and silver as it filtered through the cloudy sky, his skin, the same color as the snow outside, was covered in goosebumps. The cold had sunk into every crevice and every corner of his body, seeming to resonate and freeze within his bones. No matter how tightly he pulled his duvet around his shaking form, he couldn't seem to fight the air, which was determined to make its way under his clothes, and so he quickly tried another tactic.

It was even harder to leave his bed that morning than it usually would be, since it was even colder away from the comfort of his sheets than it was in them, but he forced himself forward. He wasn't a procrastinator like Dan, and was much better at shoving himself through things he found annoying. His cold feet thumped against the carpeted floor, and he took long strides towards his closet, shuddering as another breeze of cold air surrounded him, and pulled his warmest, fuzziest pajamas out, along with a pair of mismatched fuzzy socks. He changed as quickly as he possibly could, his teeth almost chattering as he forced them over his head and legs, and then grabbed an oversized sweatshirt and pulled that over him as well.

"Ah," He sighed as the soft cotton brushed over his skin, rubbing his arms with his palms, feeling a bit warmer. "That's better."

He glanced around his room, taking note of the absence of a certain heater, and decided to set out into the wild, or the rest of the house.

He shuffled out of his bedroom, padding down the hallway with his checkered blankets around his shoulders, dragging behind him, and walked down the stairs as quietly as he could just in case Dan was still asleep.

Thankfully, as he entered the lounge he caught sight of his curly haired boyfriend on the couch, in his browsing position, scrolling through Tumblr, and shivering slightly though paying no attention to his bodily needs as usual.

Phil scoffed, rolling his eyes fondly at the neglectful man before grabbing an extra pair of fuzzy socks-he had many scattered around the apartment-and making his way over.

"Oh, good morning Phil." Dan greeted sleepily, yawning a bit, his rich, chocolate brown eyes brimming with curiosity as Phil tugged the socks over his cold feet, making sure they were snug around his toes, but didn't question it, accustomed enough with his unusual behavior not to be fazed.

"Morning Dan," He replied cheerfully, brushing his unkempt ebony hair out of his face, still all wrapped up in his blankets as he turned in the direction of the kitchen. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Dan shook his head, smiling softly at a rather heart touching piece of phan art.

"Not yet," He shouted back, jumping slightly as a rather harsh shudder wracked his body. "I was waiting for you."

Phil hummed from the kitchen, bustling around, presumably making a cup of coffee or something for them both.

Maybe he would cook breakfast today, but Dan doubted it. Phil didn't usually cook on really cold mornings like this, since his main priority was warming up first, so it would most likely be a cereal day.

He was slightly surprised when Phil announced that he was making pancakes, but it was probably because pancakes would be a lot warmer than cold cereal. He just hoped he wouldn't trip over his blankets. But considering how clumsy he was, that was bound to happen at least twice.

He continued browsing while Phil cooked, his shivers growing more and more violent without him noticing, missing Phil's occasional concerned glances.

"Hey Dan, can you get the heater from the gaming room? It's freezing." He called casually, and Dan, thinking nothing of it, agreed, pushing his laptop off of him and standing up, disappearing up the stairs to find the heater.

He returned a few moments later, lugging it down the steps and plugging it into the wall, turning it to their usual setting and waiting for it to start up before resuming his previous position, laughing quietly to himself when he heard Phil start singing, attempting to rap some of Tyler's parts in the newest Twenty One Pilots Album, Trench, and failing miserably.

He perked up immediately when Phil walked into the lounge holding two plates of delicious looking golden grown pancakes, setting them down on the table before running back for a second trip and returning with two mugs.

The scents of pancakes and coffee swirled in the air, mixed with the bursts of warmth now tumbling into the living room, and Dan couldn't help but feel the stiffness drain from his muscles, thanking Phil gratefully as he dug into his food.

"It's no problem Dan." He replied, sinking down on the floor in front of the heater and eating his food there, basking in the full blast.

Dan laughed lightly at the sight, contemplating briefly before joining him, leaning against his shoulder with a satisfied hum as they chewed forkfuls of fluffy pancakes, sipping their bittersweet drinks.

"Here," Phil offered, lifting up his blanket in invitation, and Dan crawled under it, pushing their now empty plates to the side as he cuddled into Phil's comforting embrace, pressing a soft kiss to his collarbones. "It's cold, and I don't want you to get sick. Do you want to build a snow man later?"

Dan pouted, poking his bottom lip out adorably as he twisted strands of Phil's silky hair between his fingers.

"But it'll be freezing!" He complained, and Phil traced soothing patterns over his back, giggling quietly.

"I'll make you hot chocolate from scratch after," He promised, brushing his nose against Dan's. "And I'll give you lots of cuddles."

Dan pretended to think about it, when in reality he probably would have done it anyway without any bribing needed.

He was completely and utterly in love with Phil Lester.

"Hm, okay," He agreed, leaning further into Phil, mumbling against his neck. "Also what do you want for dinner?"

And they planned out their day, tangled together under a blanket, in front of the heater on the living room floor...

Just another January morning.

A/N: Was that good? Bad? Terrible? Did you hate it? Did you love it? Also please tell me if you have any requests. I've been doing loads of fluff recently, so are you guys in the mood for some angst? Do you have any ideas you want me to make into a Phan one shot? Please leave comments telling me your thoughts and feelings and thank you soooooo much for reading. I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much, please never ever ever be afraid to ask me for anything at all or talk to me. You could never be an inconvenience or an annoyance, it would be my absolute pleasure to be of any help to you at all. You are so beautiful, and so gorgeous. You are so much more than good enough, I promise. The definition of beauty is yours to create. You are beautiful. Everything about you. Please nourish your precious bodies, don't hurt them, don't hurt yourselves, you are precious and amazing and wonderful, and you are loved and appreciated and supported. Be unapologetically yourselves. I support and love you. Take care of yourselves, be kind to yourselves, and treat yourselves because you're special and you're worth it. I'm sending you all virtual hugs. Eat and stay hydrated! Love youuuuuuu!

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