sleep next to me

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Summary: Dan comes home to find Phil asleep under the kitchen table


Dan sighed as he fumbled with his apartment key, heavy grocery bags from Tesco's  hanging from his long arms, shifting from side to side as he pushed it into the key hole, smiling slightly at the satisfying click.

He blew his light brown curls out of his swirling, chocolate eyes, hues of gold and hazel glimmering around the edges of his pupils, door swinging open gently and shreds of golden, artificial light illuminating his soft features as he walked in. His sloping shoulders sunk, a small yawn leaving his cherry stained, supple lips, and shuffled into the kitchen, dropping the groceries on the counter, and glancing around their colorful, nerdy apartment for his boyfriend, Phil, who he'd left at home.

He was nowhere in sight, and Dan was desperate to find him and cuddle with him on the couch, but he knew if he looked for him now, he would leave the groceries out to spoil.

So, he quickly put them away, moving fast, long slender legs outlined by ripped black skinny jeans stretching in wide strides over the floor as he went from one place to another, tucking food into the fridge and cabinets.

He ran a hand through his curly waves when he was finished, bones dragging him downwards as exhaustion layered thick on his mind, muddling his thoughts, and causing his dark lashes to dip ever so slightly.

He yawned again, a quiet sound in the still silence, and left the kitchen, raising his arms over his head and humming tiredly.

"Phil?" He called gently as he entered the lounge, sliding off his shoes so that his bare feet tickled the fluffy carpet.

He received no answer, and his eyebrows pinched, concern chasing away the beginnings of sleep.

He cupped his mouth, dragging out his name slowly.


Still no answer.

Now Dan was very worried, and he moved with a new desperation as he searched the house.

"Phil?" He questioned, a spike of something hot and burning flaring in his chest.

He willed it to calm itself, taking deep breaths as his gaze fluttered around anxiously.

"Phil, where are-"

And he abruptly cut himself off.

Because he'd found him, snow white powdery smooth skin, chest rising and falling, legs curled into his stomach, nimble fingers folded into his soft palms, ebony hair falling around his ears and contrasting beautifully with his paleness, rosy cotton candy lips parted and tempting, lashes closed over pink dusted cheekbones, sleeping under the kitchen table.

Dan sighed in relief, a small burst of laughter escaping him at the adorable sight, and muscles relaxing as he realized that Phil was perfectly safe.

"Phil you freak." Dan mumbled to himself, shaking his head, dimple making an appearance as his lips stretched into a fond grin.

He crawled underneath the table, ducking low to avoid bumping his head on the underside of it, and gathered the sleeping angel into his arms and cradling him against his warm body, lifting him up bridal style, and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Phil stirred slightly at the sudden movement, moaning when the light invaded his sight, and nuzzling into Dan's shoulder, breathing in his comforting vanilla scent.

"Someone's sleepy, hm?" Dan asked teasingly as he walked into Phil's bright bedroom, setting him down gently on the mattress, and he immediately curled into himself, clutching at the covers with his fingers.

"Not yet," Dan told him, turning to his drawers and pulling out an over sized shirt for Phil and some black pajamas for himself. "We still need to change."

Phil whined softly, but sat up as Dan pulled his jeans down over his ankles and lifted his shirt over his head.

Dan helped him tug the pajama shirt on, pulling it down so it fell half way down his thighs, and then quickly got undressed himself, sighing in content as the comfy clothes brushed across his skin and fell over his body.

He turned off the lights, and crawled into bed beside Phil, tangling their legs together and laying the blankets over them both.

Phil cuddled into him, wrapping his arms around Dan's waist and holding him close.

"Love you..." He mumbled sleepily, and Dan smiled, twirling a strand of his dark hair around his finger.

"I love you too, you get some rest sleepyhead, I'll be right here."

Phil nodded lightly and as their breathing began to even out, eyes fluttering closed, and falling into sleep's arm, limbs sprawled across each other, and occasional hums vibrating over their skin, he knew just sleeping next to Dan, was just as beautiful as every kiss they'd ever shared and every pretty word they'd ever promised.

A/N: I've been writing so much fluff lately oh my god. Did you like it? Did you hate it? Did you love it? Was it good, was it bad? Please leave comments telling me your thoughts and feelings and thank you sooooo much for reading. I love you all so so so much, please take care of yourselves, and be kind to yourselves. Treat yourselves because you're special and you're worth it. You're beautiful and you are so much more than enough. I'm giving you all virtual hugs. Take deep breaths, everything will be okay. Eat and stay hydrated! Love you!

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