stalker pt. 2

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Summary: emma_kiyoko recommended this, and asked for a part two where they are dating. So this is Part Two to my one shot Stalker.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: anxiety, depression, panic attack

"Are you sure?" Dan asked nervously as he studied himself in his bathroom mirror, chocolate eyes decorated with hues of gold and burgundy brimming with anxiety as he played with his bouncy curls.

His boyfriend Phil walked behind him, wrapping his long pale arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder, soft, warm exhales brushing against Dan's sensitive neck. He shivered slightly.

"Bear," He said gently, his voice laced with lullabies and golden melodies as he called him by his special pet name. "I'm positive. You look absolutely stunning, and I love your curls. You look like an angel."

Dark pink dusted Dan's honey cheeks as his heart pounded against his chest and thudded in his ears, and he let his hands fall back to his side, folding his sun kissed fingers over Phil's.

He didn't know how he'd gotten so lucky, or why in the world Phil would choose him to date out of all of his admirers. After he'd saved him and his drawings from his bullies, they became extremely close, quickly becoming best friends in a few months, and practically inseparable. Alex, Cole, and Michael still threw insults at him daily and tried to spread rumors, but it didn't bother him as much when he could walk down the hallway with Phil at his side and listen to him whisper beautiful words that caressed his skin and soothed the aching, bleeding wounds on his heart.

And now that they were dating, his bullies backed off a bit, knowing that crossing Phil Lester could end in their deaths.

The Phil Lester Defense Squad was strong and thriving, and after Phil announced that Dan was his boyfriend, they'd extended their protection to him as well, apologizing for not having found out about his bullying earlier.

There were many benefits to dating Phil Lester, but the biggest one by far were little moments like these, Phil's kisses, the feeling of his hand in his, and having the privilege of knowing and loving every part of him, including parts no one else got to see.

Phil hummed into his shoulder, sending vibrations across his skin, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

He blushed and giggled, turning to meet Phil's sapphire eyes, tinges of yellows and greens shimmering around his pupils, framed by long dark lashes.

"You ready?" Phil asked, his heated breaths and hushed words fanning out across his cheekbones. Dan shot him a gentle smile, dimple denting the side, and nodded, pulling out of his embrace.

He grabbed his galaxy backpack, his sketchbook, and his art supplies and linked their hands, tugging him out the door.

Phil had recently gotten his Driver's license, so they were able to drive to school, and Phil slid into the driver's seat while Dan plopped down on the passengers side.

"Music?" Dan asked with a raised eyebrow, and Phil beamed at him, tongue peeking out of his teeth adorably.

"Of course!" He replied as he pulled out of the driveway, and Dan connected his Spotify to the car.

Both he and Phil had a very varied taste in music and loved it more than they loved living, so when they became friends, they created one huge playlist together with all of their favorite songs from every genre and shuffle played it in the car or when they shared ear phones.

The first song that came on was Lucky Strike by Troye Sivan, and they both gasped in unison, grinning as they sang along.

"Oh! I want to know just how to love you, the jewel of California!"

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