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Summary: Dan and Phil look forward to 2019 together


"Oh my god, Dan, we've got like, 20 seconds left, get the champagne!" Phil shouted in a panic, his ocean eyes wide and glimmering between tinges of yellows and greens as he fluttered around the living room, glancing towards the tv anxiously.

A smile tugged at Dan's strawberry stained lips at the sight of his boyfriend so worked up.

He took New Year's very seriously.

"We have to drink and kiss right at midnight!" He always insisted.

Dan wasn't one for dramatics, and he never really made anything a big deal, but maybe that was why he found it so endearing that Phil did.

He was absolutely adorable, and Dan was completely whipped.

"Dan!" Phil called again, jumping on the balls of his fuzzy sock clad feet. Dan laughed quietly, and poured the bubbling beverage into two "special wine glasses" as Phil called it, grabbing them both and making his way back into the lounge.

He handed one to his extremely anxious boyfriend, and he gripped it tightly in his pale, nimble fingers, his gorgeous face lighting up with excitement.


Dan stared at the count down, and humorously began shouting along with Phil, amusement and love sparkling in his rich, chocolate brown eyes.










Dan and Phil turned to each other with dazzling grins, shouting, "Happy New Year!", before tipping back their glasses, gulping down a few drops of champagne, and pulling each other in.

Phil's arm circled around Dan's waist as his fingers tangled in his ebony locks, their hearts thudding against each other, and pressed his lips to Dan's, marveling for what must have been the thousandth time, at their plump softness.

He could taste the tang of champagne, and Dan's muted down cherry chapstick, his skin warm and flushed under Phil's touch, his mouth hot and desperate as it moved, falling deeper and deeper into the addictive, intoxicating spell Phil always seemed to put him under.

The sound of cheering burst from the speakers, echoing through the room, but Dan and Phil could only focus on each other.

It was heated, needy, desperate, but also slow, savoring, precious, simultaneously enough, and not enough.

And Phil tugged him impossibly closer, walking him backwards until his legs hit the couch and he was falling over him, familiar bodies memorizing every crevice and every slender curve as they completely eliminated the space between them.

Forever tangled as orchids bloomed so intricately that their chests ached with the rush of overwhelming affection, and scents, and touches, and whispered words between kisses flooded their senses, trickling across their consciousness, parting and colliding, with an urgency but also a slowness, a moment belonging only to them, this feeling, completely theirs.

Honey coated moans, sultry and gentle, escaped them both as their tongues met, swallowed by their mouths, sliding over teeth, and stroking the insides of their cheeks, parting once again, only to come back together as warmth and wetness glided over their lips, panting, promises pressed to their skin as Phil peppered kisses over Dan's jaw, and down his sensitive neck, mouthing words against his collarbones, running the pad of his thumb over his blushing cheeks and the slope of his nose, drawing constellations between the freckles dotting his skin.

"I love you Phil Lester." Dan mumbled breathlessly, dark eyes meeting Phil's with a loving solemness reserved only for him.

Phil smiled, holding up on of Dan's hands and pressing light kisses to his knuckles, pausing at his ring finger which was now encircled by a silver band.

"I love you too," He murmured, candy lips stretching into a smirk. "Dan Lester."

A/N: Not gonna lie, that was terrible. I'll update another one soon, and I promise it will be better. Also do you have any suggestions or requests? I'll work on a Part 2 for Purple Boy soon, but do you guys have any other requests? Also Happy New Year! Please leave comments telling me your thoughts and feelings and thank you sooooo much for reading. I love you all, so so so so so so much, and please take care of yourselves. Remember to treat yourselves because you're special and you're worth it and never be afraid to ask for help. You're so beautiful, and I promise you are so much more than good enough. Remember to eat and stay hydrated! Love you!

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