Chapter One

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This takes place soon after Cam gets out of prison. Enjoy.

Chapter 1

The sun had not yet rose; a young woman appeared to be running away from something carrying a bundle of blankets in her arms. She ran until she reached an abandoned building, she rushed inside and forced a secret wall to open, carefully placed the bundle inside before closing it back up, leaving just a crack open. She ran back to the entrance to look around, takes out her cell phone and dials, from the phone came a voice, "Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

"Please send help!"

"Ma'am, what's the issue?"

"When you get here, make sure you search every nook and cranny!"

"Ma'am, where are you?" The operator asked, starting to get worried.

"It's not safe for her here, get her somewhere safe! Please! It's too late for me!"

"What's too late? Ma'am?"

Suddenly a shot rings out and the young woman's voice softens to almost a whisper, "They're here..."

"Who's there? Ma'am, I need you to tell me-" The operator's voice gets interrupted by another shot, this time, it went through the young woman's forehead, she fell onto her back with her blue eyes wide open and her dark hair feathered out around her, "Ma'am, are you still there? Ma'am-" The call got cut off by someone kicking the phone out of her hands and crushing it with a brick.

A Few Hours Later...

"And that's how you pull it off" Cameron said as he and Kay pulled up to the crime scene.

"You know Cam, I sometimes think you value pulling off a stunt than you do about your own safety" Kay replied as she rolled his eyes at his childishness though she was happy to see him be smiling again.

"It's worth it if it works, right? Jonathan always thought that one was stupid."

"How's he doing? I mean... have you heard from him at all?"

"Nope and quite frankly, I don't want to even wanna think about him right now"

Kay placed a hand on his shoulder, "I get that you're upset, you have every right to be... but he's still your brother"

He covers the hand Kay placed on his shoulder with his own and gave a sad smile, "I know... I'm just not ready yet... and thankfully, he doesn't need something from me... yet." They head inside of the abandoned warehouse, "So this is where the 911 call came from huh?"

"Yeah, the operator says she has no idea who our victim is, just that she sounded like a young woman and she sounded desperate for help" Kay answered. They reach the body and Mike is already there standing overhead of the victim, "Hey Mike, so who is our victim?"

"Unfortunately, we don't have an ID yet and it seems she came running here with not much on her" Mike commented.

"Whatever she was trying to escape from obviously found her" Kay added as she looked at the woman's wide unblinking eyes. What was odd was that something seemed familiar about the victim's eyes, "Poor girl."

"Judging by her lack of proper clothing for this weather, she wasn't planning on running" Cam observed, "Maybe she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Maybe... Mike, was there any other information that the operator gave about our victim?" Kay asked as Cameron shifted away thinking he heard something.

"Oh yes! They mentioned how the woman went on about making sure that whoever was chasing her did not get to her" Mike explained. Meanwhile, Cam was searching around because he was sure he heard something. When he happened upon the wall with the slightly cracked-open wall. He pushed it open and what he saw shocked him.

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