Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter 25

Cameron's eyes widened, "What do you mean she told you?"

Kay shook her head, "I know it sounds crazy but I think when I... when I flat lined, I went somewhere where I... I saw Caroline. I hugged her, I talked to her. Then Fiona just appeared."

"She appeared?"

"I-I don't know what to tell you. I didn't even remember any of it after I woke up but then I saw the letters in sketchbook."

Jonathan looked confused, "And that's what set off your... memory?"

Kay nodded, "I know that this sounds impossible but what are the odds of my remembering about two unmarked envelopes hidden inside of a black sketchbook with a silver spiral binding and finding two unmarked envelopes hidden inside of a black sketchbook with a silver spiral binding?"

"She's right. It's..." Jonathan chuckled, "It's pretty impossible."

Cameron nodded, "So.. she knew about us?"He asked.

"I-I think so." Jonathan and Cameron both looked at each other with somber expressions, thinking that their sister must have thought they didn't want to see her. Kay had a feeling as to what they were thinking about, "She remembered meeting you Cam."

Cameron's eyes widened, "She did?"

She smiled, "Yeah... you know... she said her main concern was that her daughter was going to grow up like she did."

Jonathan gulped, "Without a family."

Kay nodded, "But she's grateful that Farrah has the both of you." She let out a chuckle, "God, I must sound insane."

Cameron shook his head, "No, I mean... you have no reason to lie." He gently took the letter that Kay had in her hand as he motioned for Jonathan to pick up the other, "So... do you know what in these letters?"

She shook her head, "All I know is that they're for you guys."

As Cameron and Jonathan opened up the envelopes, they each pulled out a letter along with printouts of photos attached to the bottom. In Cameron's letter was a picture of Fiona wearing a red sweater and holding Farrah who looked to be around a month old at the time of the picture wearing a little baby Santa outfit and wrapped in the knitted blanket Fiona had made. In the letter, she had written:

Dear Cameron,

Hi, I'm Fiona Jonbroni-Blanc. I am twenty-five years old, I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter, and... there's something I think you should know...

You see, I grew up without a family and I never thought that I would have a family of my own but I did. I knew who my mother was but I grew up never knowing who my father was. So I few months ago I managed to find my birth certificate and under where my father's name would be was the name "Sebastian Black".

That sounded kind of familiar so I did I little research and... I think we might be siblings. Well, half-siblings, if you want to get technical.

I do know that you're this big-name illusionist and the first thing I want to make clear is that I'm not writing this letter because of your fame or anything, I was just hoping that maybe we could meet up sometime... or meet up again. You see, a little while ago (while I was still pregnant), you came into the cafe I work at and we had a short conversation and I like to think we kind of got along.

I know about what with your our brother, Jonathan and I want you to know that based on what I've read about what happened, I don't think he did it. I know that details are foggy but I don't know... something in my gut is telling me that he's innocent. I really wish I could meet him just so I could tell him that. I know this might sound cheesy but I know how hard it is to hope when it seems like the world is against you.

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