Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

"Cam, are you insane!?" Jonathan exclaimed when Cameron suggested that he should pose as Cam so he could see his sister.

"No, it's perfect, think about it... you deserve to see her Johnny." Cameron tried to argue.

Jonathan sighed, "What about Kay?"

Kay furrowed her eyebrows, "What about me?"

"Come on Kay, you gotta admit that this is crazy!"

"It is."

"Thank you!"

Kay placed a hand on Cameron's shoulder, "But Cam's right."

Jonathan pursed his mouth, "If we get caught-"

"I'm prepared to take the heat for it."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

Kay sighed, "Because despite the fact I don't trust you, Cameron trusts you and he is right. You do deserve to see your sister. I know I would have given anything to see my sister one last time."

Cameron gave Kay a small sad smile and looked at Jonathan, "I told you. Kay's one of the good ones."

Jonathan sighed, there was no use arguing with the two of them, "Alright... how would we go about it?"

Cameron explained the plan. With thirty years of pretending to be his brother under his belt, posing as Cameron would simple for Johnny. When Johnny put on Cam's clothes, you couldn't tell the difference at all. Except now, Kay could definitely see the difference between the two; she just hoped no one else could see it yet. They went back to the morgue and the mortician greeted them once again, "Agent Daniels, Mr Black. I didn't expect to see you here again so soon."

"Mr Black needed to come back, he felt that he needed to see his sister again." Kay explained, not technically lying.

The mortician gave a sad smile and nodded, "I understand. Again, I'm sorry for loss." The mortician then said, "I'll be in my office if you need anything."

"T-thank you." Jonathan replied. He and Kay walked over to Fiona's body. Her eyes were still closed, her dulling dark curls hadn't moved at all and that godforsaken bullet wound was still in her head. This was the first time Jonathan had seen his sister in over twenty-five years and he felt sick to his stomach, "This is her? This is Fiona?" Was all he could say.

Kay nodded, "Yes."

Jonathan couldn't take his eyes off his little sister, that bursting feeling of love he had felt when she grabbed his finger all those years ago was now being overtaken by feelings of regret, "She's so tiny." He couldn't help be feel like he had failed her, asking himself why he never looked for her, why he never told anyone about that night. It was a question anyone would ask, he thought, "Did she suffer when..." He couldn't finish that sentence.

Kay couldn't help but feel bad for Jonathan, he did some bad things but... he wasn't a bad person, life dealt him a bad hand, "No. They said that when the bullet hit her, she died instantly."

"Have you told her mother?"

Kay furrowed her eyes, "She... grew up in the foster system."

Johnny's face turned from regretful to sorrowful, "She grew up in the foster system?"

"Why did you ask about her mother?" Kay didn't want to push but curiosity got the best of her.

Johnny just shook his head, "I... just assumed. What happened to her mother?"

"She... died in a car crash when Fiona was four."

"Oh my god..." Jonathan then noticed the wedding band on Fiona's left ring finger, "Who was her spouse?"

"Shawn Blanc. He was also... killed that night."

"He was Farrah's father?"


"So Cam and I are all Farrah has left?"

"Well, Mike said that there might be Shawn's parents but given the fact that they didn't seem to be very present in their son's life, so we don't know what could happen there."

"I see." He placed a hand on Fiona's cold lifeless one, knelt down gave her a kiss on the head, "I'm sorry..." He whispered.

Just then Kay's phone rang, "I'll be right back," She went by the door, "Hey Mike."

"Hey, I was just calling to see when you would be coming back."

"Uh, soon."

"How's Cam holding up?"

Kay sighed, "As well as can be expected."

"I can't imagine what he's going through."


"So then I'll see you guys soon then. Farrah's fine by the way. She had her bottle and is taking a little cat nap right now."

Kay smiled, "Great."

"I'm serious, she looks like a napping cat and it is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Reminds me of when the boys were younger."

"We'll see you soon Mike. Thanks for the help"

"Don't mention it."

Kay then hung up. She then walked back over and placed a hand on Jonathan's shoulder, "Hey... you okay?"

"I will be. Once her killer's been caught." Kay nodded, not knowing what to say to him,. Jonathan then got up from his kneeling stance, "Let's go. Sounds like you and Cam have to get somewhere."

"Yeah, we're going to go with Mike to speak with Shawn's parents."

Jonathan took one last look as Fiona, "I... I hope that wherever she is... she's at peace."

"I hope so too."

"Hey Kay?" Kay raised her eyebrows at him, "...Thank you." Kay smiled sadly as they left the morgue. They went back to Cameron's place and Jonathan and Cameron quickly switched their clothing back, "Cameron?"

"Yeah?" Cameron asked as he adjusted his blazer.

"I wanted to thank you."


"For pushing me to go see our sister. I know now that I would have regretted it later. Like I regretted doing what I did to you."

Cameron gave a half-smile, "We can talk about that later." He placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, "We're gonna get justice for Fiona first."

Jonathan gave a small smile, "Let me know there is anything and I mean anything that I can do to help."

Cam nodded, "Wouldn't have it any other way." Cameron then walked out and met Kay standing by the elevator, "Are we ready to go Milady?"

Kay smirked pressing the elevator button, "Milady? Where did that come from?"

The elevator door opened. Cameron shrugged as they walked in, "Just trying something."

"Remember that we haven't exactly told anyone about this yet." She reminded pressing the ground floor button.

"I know." He took her hand in his, "So I'm taking the moments as they come." He smiled at Kay, "How that for cheesy?" Kay smiled letting out a tiny chuckle as the elevator door closed.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter was a little shorter but this chapter was more a Jonathan chapter because I felt that this particular scene needed to be on its own. Stay tuned for the next chapters coming your way... I have no idea how many more that will be!

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