Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

Kay rushed over as soon as she heard Cam's slightly panicked voice on the other end of the call. When she entered the apartment, Cameron noticed that she was still in her pajamas, "Hey, I'm sorry I called you so late."

Kay waved her hand in dismissal, "I told you that you could call me at anytime, and I meant it. Besides, I actually really missed Farrah"

Cameron looked fake-offended, "But not me?"

She smirked, "Well, maybe..." She motioned to the bag she was holding, "Anyways I brought a change of clothes for myself just in case." She put the bag down.

Cameron smiled and hugged her, lowering his head slightly to rest on her shoulder, "I missed you too." Kay gave a slight smile as she hugged him back.

"Hey, if you two lovebirds are done canoodling, we have a crisis here!" Johnny's voice came from the kitchen.

Cameron and Kay walked over to Jonathan sitting at the table with Farrah sitting on the table in front of him as she played with his shirt sleeve. They both sat down, "So what's going on?" Jonathan passed her the note, as she read it, her eyes went wide, "S-someone's spying on you?" Kay furrowed her eyes, "Any idea on who it could be?"

Jonathan shook his head, "The only person that comes to mind is MW but..."

"Johnny, what did you do to her?"

"Other than take the flash drive and some extra... insurance, nothing. She didn't even know I was leaving until I was already gone. Plus if she noticed the other thing I took was gone, she would be a little more careful."

"What is this... insurance you took from her?" Kay asked.

Jonathan hesitated, "I... I think it's best to not tell you but I can swear on my life that I would never use it on any of you."

Kay looked unsure as did Cam but their thoughts were interrupted by Farrah giving a little shout, pointing at Kay and smiling at her. Cameron chuckled, "I think she missed you too."

They were quiet for a moment until Jonathan spoke up, "We need to talk to the team."

"But Johnny-" Cameron tried to interject.

"No more secrets Cam. No more hiding."

Once the sun rose, Cameron had called the team including Mike. As they all sat on the couches by the archive kitchen, Cameron and Kay were standing in front of them with Kay holding a sleeping Farrah in her arms, "Darlings, why did you ask us to come here so early?" Dina asked.

Jordan nodded, "Yeah, you're usually not a morning person Cam."

Cam and Kay looked at each other, "Well, there's something we've been hiding from you guys and something's happened."

"What happened?" Gunter asked, raising an eyebrow. Cameron handed him the note, "Bloody hell. Why can't these monsters just leave the poor child alone, she hasn't done anything!"

"Wait, when did you get this?" Dina asked taking the note from Gunter.

"Late last night... or early this morning?" Cameron answered.

"Then how is it you said you were hiding something when you just got this?"

Kay cleared her throat, "That's um... not what we were hiding from you all."

They all looked confused. Cameron called out, "You can come in now."

Jonathan slowly walked out into the light where everyone's eyes widened as he did, "H-hey guys... long time no see." He chuckled nervously.

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