Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter 29

Cameron woke up before his alarm. He was wide awake. His brain just hadn't been able to shut off. He then heard a little voice whining. He walked over to the crib where Farrah was sitting up, clutching her woolen blanket. She looked up at her uncle with tears silently streaming down her cheeks. Cameron felt his heart split in two. He gently stroked her curly hair, "Hey... what's wrong Farrah?"

Cameron almost didn't hear the little girl's babbles. "Mama... Mama..." She held the blanket closer to herself, "Mama..."

"Hey... come here." He picked her up with the blanket still in her arms.

She lifted the blanket up and hit it slightly against his chest as the tears continued to fall down her cheeks, "Mama..."

Did she... did she know what was happening today? Cameron sighed as he held his niece close to just let her get it out. Farrah rubbed her eyes with her tiny fist. "I know..." She rested her tired head on his shoulder, "I know you miss your mama... I'm so sorry. I wish that I could bring her back..." He knew that Farrah couldn't quite understand what he was saying but she seemed to be calming down. She snuggled closer to him as she gripped her blanket.

About an hour later, Jonathan woke up and found Cameron and Farrah in the kitchen. Cameron was slowing walking back and forth as he tried to sooth the baby in his arms but she was just upset. "Cam?" Cameron turned at the sound of his brother's voice, "What's wrong?"

Cameron sighed, "I don't know what it is. Farrah's just upset." Farrah clutched her blanket closer to herself and let out another tiny whine, "I wish I knew what it was. I mean, I've changed her, I've fed her... I think she knows what's going on today."

"Cam, she's just a baby."

"Well, it seems she can tell that there is something wrong about today." He kissed her messy curls, "You should have heard her earlier. She kept calling for Fiona." Jonathan's eyes glazed over. Cameron sighed, "We gotta be strong today. Not just for show but for Farrah."

"You go get dressed and I can get Farrah ready." Jonathan said as he walked over to his brother and niece.

"You sure?" Cameron asked but Jonathan was already taking Farrah in his arms.

"Positive. Just don't spend three hours on your hair." The older twin joked.

Cameron cracked a tiny smile, "Now you know that that is impossible."

Two hours later, Cameron and Jonathan were both dressed in simple black suits and black ties. Farrah had been dressed in a black dress with long sleeves but with dark coat overtop. She also had her woolen blanket with her. As they stepped out of the apartment and were placing Farrah in her stroller, they were suddenly surrounded by a hoard of paparazzi.

"Cameron! Jonathan! What is it like to finally have your name cleared?"

"What is your relationship with Bennett Blanc?"

"Jonathan, what are you going to do now that you no longer live in your brother's shadow?"

"Cameron Black, who is the child? Is this another family member you've been keeping secret?"

Now usually, Cameron and Jonathan didn't have much problem with the press but when they tried to get close to their niece, that's where the line was crossed. "If you all would be so kind as to step aside from the stroller." Jonathan said in a calm but commanding voice, "Cameron and I have no problems with your questions but you'll have to understand if our niece doesn't feel the same way."

"If you'll excuse us ladies and gentlemen," Cameron added as he and Jonathan moved Farrah's stroller out of the crowd, "We'll have to talk another time. Have a nice day."

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