Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter 27

Cameron and Kay opened the door to Marigold's Cafe. The place was slightly empty with only a few people but they saw the old woman behind the counter, pouring coffee for customers. The two of them walked over and Marigold immediately recognized them, "Oh! Hello you two." She noticed Kay's arm, "Oh my dear, what happened to you?"

Kay smiled at Marigold's concern, "Just an occupational hazzard."

"Are you sure?" Kay nodded to ease the older woman's concerns, "Well, if you're sure. What can I do for you two today?"

"Well..." Cameron began, "We... we found who did it."

Marigold's eyes widened, "You did?" Cameron nodded somberly, "What happened to the... the monsters that did it?"

"They've been put behind bars and I doubt they will be seeing the light of day for a while."

"Well, thank goodness." Just then Jonathan walked in with Farrah in her stroller gurgling as she played with the pink dolphin in her hands. The old woman gave a soft gasp when she saw the child, "Oh-oh my goodness..."

Cameron smiled, "We thought you'd like to see Farrah now that things have settle down a little."

She looked to the man who looked exactly like Cameron, "A-are you-"

Jonathan gave a small smile, "I-I'm Fiona's other brother, Jonathan."

"It's nice to meet you," Marigold walked over from the counter and knelt down in front of the crib. Farrah blinked her big brown eyes at the old woman for a few moments before her tiny face broke out into a huge smile and she giggled at Marigold. Farrah held out her arms wanting to be taken out of the stroller. Marigold looked to Jonathan, "Is it alright if I take her?"

Jonathan nodded, "Of course it is."

Marigold lifted Farrah out of the stroller as Cameron and Kay gave each other a quick smile at the scene before them. He helped Kay onto a stool despite her silent objections that she could handle it herself. Marigold smiled as the child waved her arms in delight, happy to see a familiar face. Kay noticed the old woman's eyes tearing up, "Are you okay?"

Marigold nodded as Farrah rested her curly-haired head on the woman's shoulder, "Yes, yes of course. I'm just so glad that Farrah's okay... Shawn and Fiona loved her so much. They had all sorts of plans."

"Would you mind telling us a little bit about her?" Jonathan asked. He still felt responsible for not having been part of her life.

Marigold smiled at the young man, "Of course. I remember when Farrah had just been born and Fiona had brought Farrah to the cafe for the first time since the birth."

Ten months ago...

The cafe door open and Marigold saw a young woman covered in a large coat, scarves and a wool hat bring a stroller in with her. She smiled at her, "It's about time you brought your daughter here."

The young woman rolled her blue eyes as she took off her hat and scarves, "I couldn't take staying at home all day." She smiled as she hung her coat on the coat rack, "Besides it was high time Farrah saw one of my favourite places in the world." She bent down and the cover off the stroller and cooed at the little girl inside, "Yes it was. Yes it was."

"How's motherhood treating you Fiona?"

Fiona sighed as she walked over to the counter, "Other than the long nights, excess weight, and the fact that every part of my body hurts like hell..." She gave another sigh but a happy one, "It's been wonderful." Farrah's eyes slowly opened and she made a slight whining noise, wanting to be picked up, "Hey Azizam, you want Mama to pick you up?"

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